He gave me a toothy grin, "I didn't know that yet again I don't know you at all. You're first audition, meaning you haven't been here long?"

"I've been here literally less than a week. I'm seriously fucking stocked that I got an audition this quick." I chimed, my excitement clear on my face and voice.

"You must know some important people to land an audition this fast. Let me see the script, I might know the movie or better yet be starring in it." He smirked his obnoxious smirk that I've wanted smack out of his face since I first saw him.

I handed him the script I was holding, "It's not a big role but I really love the character. She's sooo me you know. Not so bubbly but extroverted at the same time. I really hope I get it."

He skimmed briefly through the script before handing it back to me, "I also really hope you get it." He stated with a suspicious smile.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Is there something you want to tell me? Do have a role in this movie or something? I can't imagine having to work with you every single day for God knows how long but I might not even get it so who cares."

He took my hand in his gently holding it. "I just know that this is a big movie, based on some known novel or something. And I do know the people working on it, they are big deals. If you get it, it will for sure be your ticket into the industry because the role your playing isn't that small. The character is actually a close friend of one of the lead roles so that's something." He informed in a somewhat serious tone, "Also don't knock yourself down that much. Have some faith in yourself, I know I do."

I rolled my eyes jokingly at him. "Thank you Zavian." I placed the script down next to the register, "Anyway can I get you anything to drink?"

"Yes, a bourbon neat please." He requested politely, "And I told you I'll be coming here more often now that I know you will be here every night."

I poured him the drink into a glass and placed it in front of you, "That doesn't make me feel good. I don't want you turning into an alcoholic on my expense." I said to him with a small laugh.

He just laughed and walked away with his drink. From the stage I could see Kaili smirking at me even Leon was looking at me with a suggestive look. I brushed them off and went back to serving drinks. The bar had a few more people who needed attending to.


It was the morning before my audition. I stared at myself in the mirror trying my best to calm myself. I hoped that my outfit was appropriate enough. I wore a deep brown suede skirt which reached just passed my thighs with a black deep V-neck top which long-sleeved tucked into it. I had never loved my small breasts more than I did today. The cleavage was just the right size of decent. I wore my black heeled ankle boots to finish off the outfit. My braids, which luckily were still neat, were up in a high ponytail. Kaili had graciously offered to do my make-up which made me look even more ready for the audition. She currently seated on my bed as I was about to fall into a puddle of nerves.

"Stop panicking Aya. You'll do great." She assured me, "Now come I'll drive to the audition. It's a little far from here so we have to leave now. I'll go hang around at the studio with Bailey as I wait for you to be done."

"Thank you. I need to get my own car soon. I can't have you driving me to every audition I have." I stated putting a note to get that point to my parents to see if they can help me get a car as soon as possible.

As we drove to the audition I went over my lines once more. My agent was waiting for me at the entrance of the building as I walked out of Kaili's car. She hooked her arm round mine and lead me into the building.

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