T H I R T Y - S I X

Start from the beginning

"I need to go back to him" I pleaded "He...we've been separated too...please." 

"I save you." 

I paused in my pleading, surprised by his answer. 

This was something new, considering since the whole time I've been here, something was always trying to kill me. 

Not save me. 

"He won't harm me" I finally said "He's my...Mate." 

The Minotaur gave me the side eye and I explained further. 

"He's my person" I said, struggling to find words that described something so precious to me "The one man that I love and am going to be together with for a very long time."

"He brings death" the Minotaur said "Death to everything." 

I shook my head vehemently "No, he doesn't." 

"He will."

 He dropped me down on a chair shaped rock and I took the chance to glance around the wide spacious room. 

It was still a cave but only furnished with a bed, the rock chair I was currently sitting on, and a fireplace. 

The minotaur moved to the fireplace and threw some logs into it. 

When he was done, he turned his attention towards me. 

I looked at the fire in horror, know what he was going to do it, and promptly scrambled towards the exit. 

Before I even got there, the exit disappeared. 

"You not leave" he said from behind me "Labyrinth changes every ó̱ra." 

I whirled on him "Does that mean Zephyr is trapped?" 

The Minotaur shook his beastly head. 

I breathed a sigh of relief. 

If I could just escape and make my way back to Zephyr, then we would be fine. 

The beast stared at me "You like me?" 

"No, I am most certainly not" I shook my head "I am human." 

He leveled his stare with mine "Your flesh do not smell human." 

I winced knowing that at some point, this Minotaur would most likely try to eat me for dinner. 

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