However, to all available noses who derived the scent exuding from her body and closely inhaled, they would pull three scents heavily mixed. The keenest of noses, would pick up two additional fragrances they could not place. It was a certainly sticky situation for all involved, containing very messy emotions to which lingered an unresolved explanation. Both males knowing in certainty that she belonged solely to them exclusively, and Elizabeth existing in the murky waters of obscurity.

The next morning when she had awoken, her eyes held a greener presence, the deep tone beginning to combat the stark gold in resistance as Jason's form held her tightly. Fractured moments of the previous days events erupting in bedded memory as her lashes fluttered open and her breaths deepened in their measure. Something happened, but she was not clear as to what had exactly occurred. But something happened, she felt it in Jason strong unconscious grip around her frame... she recognized that something happened as she realized that Jason was the one who was so firmly holding onto her.

She had no idea why or how he showed up. But she knew it was him from how firmly he held her, as if she would disintegrate into dust, if he loosened his grip.

She also recognized a wetness in between her legs, but instead of it being warm and inviting, it was chill and unwanted conjoined with an intense cramping sensation as her body more fully became aware of its awakening.

Her hand reached down in an naturally derived investigatory manner, trying to determine what was causing her body to try and curl within itself protectively, when her fingers came back in focus of her newly awoken eyes and genuine concern formed as she took in what appeared to be her own digits laid thick with a red coating... she immediately began to panic. She was unaware of it at present, but she had begun to miscarry.

Her sharp breaths and frantic heart beat, arose Jason from his recently found and shortly lived slumber as she frantically proceeded to writhe in the bed. Her eyes shaken as she reached back down in between her legs as if her red lined fingers would show a different result.

"What's happening?" She began to screech, as her fingers once again delved below in between her legs, her body lurching forward as intense cramps took over her lower half as she became more awake to the sensations.

"What's wrong?" Jason questioned in severe fatigue, looking at her red laced fingers and calling himself to immediate action as if he could produce a different result, slamming on the call option on the side of the bed before immediately calling for a nurse or a doctor to come in with his sharp tone.

"No, no, no!" She said gripping at her lower abdomen, as if she had been aware she was pregnant and was aware of her losing that possibility in the moment, however she had remained completely
oblivious. The intense cramping beginning to overwhelm her body as she moved further forward away from his strong grip and clutched at her own sides for comfort.

"Elizabeth, calm down!" He said sharply, pulling her upper body against his chest and his legs wrapping about the back of her hips holding her in place. "Please. Calm down." His words turning soft as his tight grip on her seemed to relax against her struggles, allowing her to continue to fight within them, but resigning himself to the light of the situation that was happening, in which, she was completely unaware. "You're okay. I promise." He said soothingly into her ear, his own voice faltering only minutely, displaying for only a moment his own upset. "Trust me, you're okay." He whispered into her ear as he easily held her against her resistance and began to lay kisses on the flesh of her mark. "You're okay. " he whispered again, feeling her body begin to relax against his.

"What's happening?!" She cried out as tears streamed down her face and she fell into complete submission to his words and strong arms.

"It just wasn't the right time." He said masking his own dejection and holding her even tighter as he began to stroke her dark black hair with his non-dominant hand. "That's all."

"Alpha Jason, is everything all right?" Both a nurse and a doctor appeared in the doorway, both of them appearing to have labored breathing.

"My mate needs a shower..." he said his tone very low. "Females only. And then she needs to be checked up.." his eyes lowering down to the dark stains in between her legs.

"Of course, Alpha." The male doctor said with a nod, immediately looking away from the naked woman in Jason's arms.

"And get me a short acting sedative." Jason said releasing his now shaky hold of his mate, realizing by now his own clear physiological need of his present personal emotions.

"Absolutely." The doctor nodded in his own agreement.

It would only be a few moments later that a rough rotund brunette stumbled into the room with messy hair and two pills cupped within the plastic containers depths. Jason welcomed the pills without the guidance of water. He had suffered enough recently, he had no need for the liquid lubricant to choke them down.

He openly welcomed the medicinal reprieve.

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