23 | "he's the victim"

Start from the beginning

As I flushed the toilet, Nate helped me stand up and I walked back into Lena's room, the two boys following behind me.

Lena looked upset at the fact that I had just thrown up. "Luna I'm sorry I showed you the video."

I dismissed her, not wanting her to feel guilty about something that I chose to watch. I began to quickly shove all my belongings back into my bag. "Don't worry about it, Lena. I was bound to watch it anyways."

She still looked guilty regardless of me telling her not to. "So who do you think released it?"

I paused my packing and sighed.

There was only two people in this entire world that could've released it, seeing as I was the only person who had the video in my possession.

With the two people, one of the them could've released it in spite. And the other could've possibly released it with the idea that they were doing me a favour which somehow terrified me more than the former.

Andrew who was sat on Lena's bed looked uncomfortable. "So when Jack told the whole locker room he fingered you.."

I gave him a tight smile. "He didn't mention I was unconscious? Yeah I bet he didn't."

Andrew looked guilty. "And when you said that he was full of shit.."

"I wasn't lying? Yeah, I know I wasn't. But don't look so surprised, Andrew. Or even you, Brandon. I know neither of you are blind to the ways of Jack or any other football player. It's just the boys having a little fun, right? Well it's not so fun when you're on the receiving end of it. Or did it look like I was having a blast while he pinned my arms down and told me I was asking for it?"

Andrew had regret on his face and remained silent for fear of me getting angrier. Brandon however, didn't seem to get the hint. "Luna you never told me what he did to you."

"How does something like that just come up, Brandon? Like while you're mid fucking me I just blurt out, "Oh yeah, you know Jack Prentice, your friend? Yeah he tried to rape me." Is that how it works? It wasn't your business. It should've been up to me whether people heard my story or not."

For some reason, Brandon decided that this was that this was the perfect time to project his insecurities onto me.

"You certainly had time to tell Nate what happened though." He snarled and I couldn't believe that he was actually being petty about this situation.

"Brandon shut the hell up. This is not the time." Lena snapped.

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't tell Nate. He found out. And trust me, he knows I don't think him any different than you or Andrew."

Brandon began to raise his voice. "It sure looked like you were angry at him while you were staring at him all doe-eyed in the bathroom two minutes ago. Yeah, I know your trick. You stare at men all wide-eyed and they just fall at your feet. Then you kick them to the curve until you're finally ready to put them to use. Who knows, maybe that's what you did with Jack. And maybe, it was your own fault that Jack did what he did. Because you're Luna Adams, the biggest fucking tease in all of Westview."

I put all my anger, hurt and frustration into slapping Brandon right across the face.

The slap was hard. His face whipped to the side from the impact and he stumbled. He stood there with his hand to his cheek, stunned at the contact my hand made with his face.

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