Chapter 1

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Nothing lasts forever. One day, you'll do something for the last time and you won't even realize it. After that, everything changes. Sometimes if you're lucky, you can adapt, but sometimes you can't. Only by a small miracle could you get everything back.


The Team Rocket Trio, or quartet, found themselves flying across the region once again after a failed attempt to capture Pikachu. Was it really a surprise at this point? Day after day, week after week, year after year, it seemed like there was nothing they could do to finally capture that yellow electric rat.

It was the only thing cycling through the trio's mind as they were shot up into the sky, but what comes up, must come down.

With another scream, they landed along another route, far from where they started, and sat in silence as they tried to slowly pick themselves together.

"WOOOBBUFETT!" The blue pokemon cried out, breaking the tense silence between the team.

Jessie held out Wobbufett's pokeball, calling him back. She sighed as she looked at the spot he disappeared from. "Another day..."

"Anotha failure," Meowth continued.

"Another grass stain," James finished, frowning at the marks on his previously white pants. Those... didn't look very appealing.

They all shared a look. Not much words were needed to explain how they all felt at the moment.

"T'ink we're ever gonna capture dat pikachu?" Meowth eventually asked his teammates, who's faces twisted into frustrated frowns at the thought of going for another attempt.

"I still believe." Jessie said as she stood up and put her hands on her hips. "Stealing pokémon isn't an easy task, it makes sense that we haven't been very productive." Her tone didn't match her words.

"One day, we will capture him. As long as we're still here, we'll still keep shooting for our goal." She held out a hand to James to help pull him up.

"Yeah, you're right. And it's not like we're getting fired anytime soon." James shrugged and gave them a nervous smile.

Meowth's fur bristled at the man's comment. "DON'T jinx dat. Now if we do get fired, I'm blamin' you."

James rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I'd probably blame myself too."

"Don't start this, guys," Jessie grumbled at them. "Let's just try to find somewhere to sleep for the night. I think I saw a nice playground nearby when we were falling. Let's hope this slide's more comfortable than the last one we tried to sleep on." She started walking before James and Meowth could put in any other suggestions, not that they had any anyways.

So on that note, the trio started to make their way down the path, mentally preparing themselves for yet another day of criminal work. Little did they know, the Pikachu and his trainer wouldn't have to worry about their tactics, or their motto, ever again.

The three weren't even an hour into their trek when a black car with an "R" on the side drove up beside them. Suspicious black cars in the middle of nowhere is usually not a good sign; they looked on in confusion as a tinted window rolled down.

It turned out to be another Team Rocket agent. He had the typical black uniform, pink hair and everything. "Well, well, well... we finally found you three, AND in one piece! How was work today, guys?" He asked with a smirk, knowing full well how their day on the field actually was.

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