"The first few months were spent with James and I asking around for him until we got a lead as to where he was and we learned that he had fled from New York and gone to Connecticut before flying out of the country to San Juan, Puerto Rico where he was living with Amelia and her two children." She said making me raise a brow at the name, "Yes the very same one," she stated noticing my expression, "She was the one who contacted us when she learned that Jamie and I were in Puerto Rico searching for John."

She stated as we entered the room where John was being held on by James and Jace Taylor. They greeted us when we entered before both brothers left the room with Cordelia leaving me alone with John.



"You fucked with the wrong person, John," I said as his head hung in between his arms that were chained to the wall. My once white button up was stained red with his blood that splattered onto me from the constant stabbing I had done to John, "Not only did you steal from me and conspired with the enemy, but I also did some research and guess what I learned?" I asked setting the knife down on the table and he didn't even move, though he made a noise, "you're a sick son of bitch. Does your girlfriend know that you love little boys? I saw your name on the list of names that were clients of Patrick Carmichael."

He slowly looked up and I could see his eyes widen at the revelation and I smirked, "did you ever wonder how Cordelia and James found you? I mean you did a pretty good job at hiding but not good enough to not be found." I said making him swallow and look down once more but I grabbed him by the chin making him look up, "I believe you know Amelia Ramirez," he snapped his head up at the mention of his new girlfriend and furrowed his brows, "Amelia Ramirez is actually a very good friend of mine as well as the widow of my cousin Angelo Ramirez who died two years ago during an ambush that you were responsible of considering you had alerted one of my enemies of our location."

"You're lying," he stuttered but I shook my head and smiled.

"If you don't believe me,then what do you say we hear what she's got to say?"

I didn't wait for his reply as I pulled up the video that I received a few moments ago fro Amelia herself and pressed the play button.

"Hello Johnathan, I do apologize for not giving you a well deserved send off when Cordelia and James showed up at the house but I was a little busy," she said to the camera and John stared at the screen with wide eyes. Amelia Ramirez is a beautiful woman with midnight black hair, copper colored eyes and sun kissed skin. She was no older than I was at 28. She has two children aged 5 and 3. She was married to my cousin Angelo Ramirez who—as I mentioned—was killed during an ambush. He was a great man with a good heart who loved his wife and children more than anything in the world and who would have given anything for them. He was only 26 when he died.

"I really do hope you suffer as much as possible for everything that you've done starting from killing my husband two years ago during that ambush that you orchestrated in hopes of getting rid of Gio but that backfired on you when he didn't show up. I hope you rot in the pits of hell." With that, Amelia turned the camera off leaving the screen black. I placed the phone back on the table and leaned on the edge of it.

"See? She didn't care about you as she was the one who called and informed Cordelia and James to where you were, all so she could have her revenge for the death of her husband," I stated and he looked down his shoulders sagging the only reason he hadn't fallen to the floor was due to the chains holding him up, "you really fucked with the wrong person and like Amelia said, rot in the pits of hell."

The knife met flesh, soft and pudgy, and made a satisfying squish as the tip of the blade sank deep enough to make John scream. I twisted the blade in my hands, all the while sinking it deeper and deeper. His skin was tearing to shreds as the knife rotated, the sound of his muscles and nerves being gouged growing louder. Then, without warning, I jerked it all the way into his stomach, until the shiny metal had disappeared inside him and the black handle was pushing against his broken skin. His cry was a brilliant sound, guttural chokes mixed with an agonized roar.

I smirked down at my now deathly white victim. He sank to his knees, continuing to scream, convulsing and trembling like a rabid animal and thick blood flowing freely from the gaping hole in his stomach. The cascade of John's life source gushed out in all directions, scarlet liquid squirting up all over me. I turned away as his please for mercy became quieter, the sweet tang of blood tingling in my nostril.

And then, there was silence. The room smelled like blood. I wiped the blood that splattered onto my face with the back of my hand and sat the blade down.

"Rot in hell."

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now