Part 3

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Maddie P.O.V

Ever since Derek saved me, I haven't stopped thinking about him. Not only because he's super good looking, and I kinda started to like him but more because he's a bit of a question mark.

How did he know I needed help?

I mean sure, I was telling Elijah to stop, but not that loud. No one else at the party heard me, how come Derek did? And how come he managed to knock Elijah out with just one punch. I'm not an expert, but I know it takes more than one punch to knock someone out. He can't be that strong, no human can be that strong, can they?

Anyway, I've googled on human strength and I can't really find an answer.

Also, my interests started to grow once my father arrested him for murdering Laura Hale. Yep, that girl they found in the woods was Laura Hale, his own sister.

Why would he kill his own sister?

However, I refused to believe he was the murderer. If he was the murderer type, he wouldn't have saved me from Elijah.

And it also turned out I was right, he wasn't the killer. Dad told me that the medical examiner had looked at the other half of the body, and found animal hair on it. And since the killer seemed to be an animal, and Derek's not an animal, they let Derek out of jail.

Guess what kind of animal hair it was? It belonged to Wolfs. Now, I know that California doesn't have wolves.... and do you know the funniest thing? The night Laura Hale was murdered was the night of the full moon, I remember because I had issues sleeping.

So California doesn't really have Wolves but there's a wolf one night, on the night of the full moon... also, I remember how Scott told me that he heard a wolf howling and I also know why they howl. They howl to communicate with each other. Howling is the most direct way of communicating across long distances, and is especially important in areas where wolf territories are vast.

So, if Scott heard a wolf howl, that would mean several wolves were there that night and they don't even live in California? But what if it wasn't just a wolf, what if they were werewolves.

I know it sounds ridiculous, but I'm one of those people who believe in bigfoot and wanna go to loch ness just to find Nessie. I do believe that mermaids, vampires are real, because if they weren't, where would the myths come from?

I googled werewolves and read about the myth about them. I read about

The myth about werewolves started in Greek mythology with the Legend of Lycaon. According to the legend, Lycaon, the son of Pelasgus, angered the god Zeus when he served him a meal made from the remains of a sacrificed boy. As punishment, the enraged Zeus turned Lycaon and his sons into wolves.

I've also read that they can possibly have super strength and super hearing... that would've explained why Derek could've heard me the other night.

But I stopped reading once I figured out that I'm supposed to be at the lacrosse game. My brother doesn't even play but me and my father wanted to go to support him anyway.

Although, this time Scott was playing so it was worth going anyway. I saw that Jackson tackled Scott in order to take the ball to shoot a goal. Jackson has been jealous of Scott ever since he became good at it. He really hates not to be the best at everything.

Eventually, I could swear that Scott was growling, or about to and I grabbed my camera, and zoomed in closer to Scott enough to see his eyes. They were... yellow?

That's when I realise... Scott a werewolf to.

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