Chapter 5

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"Yeah, he never apologized." Simon muttered and you all laughed. "He really said 'come to my office in twenty' and I go and hear him nailing the shit out of (Y/n)." You coughed out at what he said, as everyone else continued to practically wet themselves from laughter.

"Ugh Captain Levi, what a savage." Ava exclaimed, clapping her hands in your direction as a 'congratulations on bagging him.'

"Oh shut up Ava!..." Simon trailed off and smirked in her direction, causing her to pause her laughter and her eyes widened. "You know, you were the perfect one to help me forget about (Y/n) and to let out my sexual frustrations with."

She gasped and glared at him.

"Wait what?!" You and Ekho exclaimed.

"It was for l-like a week!" Ava stammered.

"Yeah try two months." And you all gasped at Simon's correction.

"I'm going to kill you." Ava growled, ready to pounce on him but paused at the sound of scouts shouting. You all ran to the edge of the building and listened in as they shouted 'Titans'.

What here? Now?

But... it's night time.

"Titans were spotted near where the recruits took shelter!" You overhead one of the scouts as they all ran to where you were dropped off. You hopped off the building, your squad following behind you.

"Captain, what's happening?" Ekho shouted from behind you.

You looked down to see Levi and the Pastor, "go find Hanjie, I'll meet you after." And you shot down to join him.

"Yes, Captain!" and they took off rushing towards Hanjie's location.

Both Levi and the pastor turned to you as you landed a few feet away from them. "So, did he talk yet?" You asked Levi, now standing next to him.

"No." And your gaze shifted to the Pastor.

Seriously... He saw all of these villagers like this and still refuses to speak...

"I'm starting to like more and more the idea of you getting some time alone with him." Levi said plainly to you and Nick turned away from both of your gazes while walking forward again.

You both walked behind him, heading to Hanjie, "Do you know what's going on?" You muttered to Levi and he shook his head.

"Not entirely, I just heard something about Titans out right now."

"That doesn't make sense." You sighed out, knowing probably that Erwin was going to ask you to ride along Hanjie's side to help her.

"I know." And you continued the rest of the way in silence.

Once you spotted your squad and Hanjie rushing out she pauses to look at you both walking in with the Pastor. She ran towards him. "Well? Had a change of heart yet?" He didn't answer and you could see the growing rage in her face. "We don't have time for this!" She got in his face. "Are you going to talk or not?! Don't just stand there in silence!"

"I can't say anything." You inhaled sharply... this man was annoying. "Don't even bother with the other believers, they'll be just as quiet as I am and that will never change." He continued.

"Well thanks for nothing!" Hanjie turned away from him.

"I can however-" she turned back to him, and you and Levi perked up seeing as he might actually tell you something useful, "tell you the name of under our sacred Will we were instructed to monitor. She was a part of the Scout Regiment as of this year." The three teenagers now gave their undivided attention to him. "Her name was..."

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