Chapter 45 - Your Baby Didn't Make It.

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Chloe was sitting outside when Rachel and Max came out to her "Chloe there's something you need to know" Chloe frowned "what?" Rachel took a deep breath "your friend Riley, he's been killed in a car accident" Chloe paled "no, I spoke to him yesterday, you're lying!" Rachel sighed "Chloe, his mum rang half an hour ago" Chloe glared "you are lying! Riley is fine" Chloe stood and left Max and Rachel standing there.

Eddie had left Charlotte at the hospital and went to the school to tell Rachel. Arriving he saw Chloe sitting outside "Chloe is everything alright?" Chloe nodded "yeah, fine, where's Charlotte?" Eddie smiled "she's not very well" Chloe again nodded "well, hope she gets well" Eddie nodded "thanks, I need to have a word with your mum" Chloe smiled and Eddie walked off.

Rachel knew how hard losing Riley was going to be so she decided to leave her alone for now. She was sitting in the office when Eddie walked in "where have you been?" Eddie sighed "Charlotte went into labour" Rachel frowned "is she alright? How's the baby?" Eddie looked at Rachel "the baby didn't make it" Rachel gasped "oh no, is Charlotte alright?" Eddie shook his head "she's blaming herself" Rachel sighed "give her my love" Eddie nodded "I will, I think Tom should know though" Rachel nodded and Eddie left to tell Tom.

Eddie made his way to Tom's classroom and saw he was teaching "Tom a word" Tom frowned and went outside "what is it?" Eddie sighed "Charlotte went into premature labour, the baby didn't make it" Tom felt tears sting his eyes "what was the baby? Boy or girl?" Eddie smiled "a girl, she named her Poppy" Tom nodded "I need to get back too teaching" Eddie walked off and Tom went back into his lesson.

Chloe was sitting in the common room when Chlo and Janeece walked in "is everything alright?" Chloe shook her head "Riley, he was killed in a car accident" Chlo and sat with Chloe "who told you?" Chloe sighed "my mum" Chlo nodded "he didn't know how much he meant to me" Chlo smiled "I'm sure he did, I know Riley loved you, Ben told me" Chloe was crying "yeah?" Chlo nodded "course, he told Ben how gutted he was when you and him split up" Chloe was crying again.

*Two Days Later*

Charlotte didn't want to stay at home so she was finally going back to school "Charlotte its too soon" Charlotte sighed "Eddie I can't stay here, its doing my head in" Eddie nodded "the minute you wanna come home you tell me" Charlotte smiled "okay".

When they arrived Charlotte suddenly felt sick so she got out the car and walked in the building with Eddie and ignored Chloe and Chlo "aren't you gonna talk to Chloe or Chlo?" Charlotte shook her head "no" Eddie sighed "do they know?" Charlotte again shook her head "no" Eddie frowned "they're gonna notice" Charlotte sighed and she and Eddie continued on the way to his classroom.

Chloe was confused as to why Charlotte ignored her and Chlo "what do you think happened?" Chlo shrugged "I don't know" Chloe sighed and looked at her phone at the picture of herself and Riley "how you doing anyway?" Chloe shrugged "its hard, I miss him heaps" Chlo smiled "it will get easier" Chloe nodded "when? Because right now all I wanna do is cry and sleep" Chlo sighed "I know that feeling, but I promise it will" Chloe felt herself crying again and Chlo pulled her into a hug "you gonna be alright?" "Yep" Chlo smiled "sure?" "Gonna have too be".

Charlotte was sitting in Eddie's classroom when Tom walked in "hiya Charlotte" Charlotte smiled "hi" Tom looked at her "I'm so sorry" Charlotte sighed "yeah" Tom looked at Eddie "Rachel said the morning meeting has been cancelled" Eddie nodded "Eddie I need the toilet" Eddie smiled "alright" Charlotte left the classroom ignoring Chloe.

Chloe walked into Eddie's classroom "what's wrong with Charlotte? And why is she ignoring me and Chlo?" Eddie sighed "its for Charlotte to tell you" Chloe frowned "tell me" Eddie looked at Chloe "she went into labour" Chloe was confused "where's the baby then?" Eddie sighed "the baby didn't make it" Chloe started crying "no" Chloe left the classroom and went after Charlotte.

Entering the bathroom Chloe saw Charlotte standing by the sink "Charlotte?" Charlotte turned to Chloe "hiya" Chloe sighed "Eddie told me" Charlotte frowned "told you what?" "That you lost the baby" Charlotte looked at her "he had no right to" Chloe frowned "he told me because I'm worried about you" "you don't need too be, I'm fine alright" Chloe again frowned "Charlotte, don't shut me out, I'm here for you" Charlotte walked off leaving Chloe standing there.

Charlotte knew shutting Chloe and Chlo out was wrong but she didn't want to lose them, she thought to herself everything she had she lost. Walking down the corridor she saw Danielle "Charlotte I'm sorry about your baby" Charlotte frowned "what? Now you wanna be a suck up? Pathetic" Charlotte walked off leaving Danielle standing there.

Chloe sat in the common room thinking about Riley when Max walked in "Chloe" Chloe looked up "what?" "How are you?" Chloe shrugged "my best friend dies in a car accident and you're asking how I am?" Max frowned and Chloe stood too leave when Max took her hand "don't shut people out Chloe" Chloe rolled her eyes "I'm not, I'm greiving for my friend" Chloe left the common room and saw Charlotte talking with Bolton "Charlotte?" Charlotte walked off "what's going on? Thought you and her were mates" Chloe sighed "we are, she's just having a tough time" Bolton nodded and hugged Chloe just as Max left the common room "Chloe" Chloe interupted "don't, I know what you're gonna say" Chloe walked off.

Chloe went home that day and logged onto her facebook -

Chloe 'AubreeLeigh Mason - RIP Riley :( Things Are Never Gonna Be The Same & @Charlotte Smith I'm Always Here. xoxo.

Logging off she got changed into her pyjamas and climbed into bed with Aubree where they both fell asleep, Chloe glad that she had her baby girl to help her get through everything.


A/N - Hope You Likeed. This Chapter Is Dedicated Too StrangeDesires. She's An Amazing Writer :) xoxo

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