six :)

24 5 0

swagger: it has been done

swagbowie: do we trade back or,,

savoytruffle: not sure thats your choice,,

swagger: we can keep these i like this shirt

swagger: we're like the exact same size

savoytruffle: okay now you have to ask someone titty or dick

✌️: Do either of you eat,,

swagbowie: no <3

swagger: ummmm paul titty or dick

st mccarthyism: uh titty

swagger: lemme google good questions hold on

swagger: okay how long have you gone without showering like whats your record

swagbowie: i just thought of such a good one omg 💔

st mccarthyism: before I answer whats your weird good question swagbowie,,

swagbowie: do you still not know my name its david </3 and im saving it for mick or keef

st mccarthyism: okay fine uhm unlike john over here I actually shower so I don't know maybe like probably a few days or so

keef: wait that doesnt sound good oh no

swagger: hygiene <3

st mccarthyism: something I actually have unlike most of you stinky rats </3

swagger: okay i bathe regularly

swagbowie: sure

st mccarthyism: anyways uhm keef t or d


keef: d i guess cause t went badly last time despite it being d

st mccarthyism: sorry not sorry </3

st mccarthyism: anyways uhm I dare you to

swagbowie: to admit his other crush <3

keef: nO

st mccarthyism: now that you say that </3

keef: why do you all hate me

keef: wait is that what you're going with-

st mccarthyism: unfortunately for you, yes

keef: i have so much dirt on so many people and this is what you want

st mccarthyism: well now that you say that </3

swagger: dont you dare-

swagbowie: oh no

pirate: I think we'd like to know

✌️: This is so entertaining

st mccarthyism: okay fine give us the dirt you have

keef: specifically what dirt

st mccarthyism: well I guess mick and dave since I like watching people suffer </3

keef: umm lets seeeeeee

keef: for mick i would like to share that, oh how should i phrase this-

hando: if its not child friendly I'll allow it for now but you'll be on thin ice

keef: idk how to phrase it to be on the thickest possible ice

keef: okay ive decided to phrase it as ridiculously as possible im already laughing hysterically

keef: he, he has,


keef: he has a tiny todger </3

hando: shush jagger

keef: i know he's got an enormous pair of balls but it doesn't quite fill the gap <.3

pirate: i expected that he has that energy yknow </3

swagger: i am going to leave

st mccarthyism: no please stay mr small dick

keef: as for david um idk what he does that he would be ashamed of, this man has no shame-

keef: one time in exchange for drugs he showed a girl his dick and she called it pretty idk if that counts

pirate: WHAT

st mccarthyism: i mean.. Were they good tho..


swagbowie: yes

keef: uhhhh umm uh ringo truth or dare youve been neglected

pirate: how could you call that pretty i am confused about how you guys are even human

swagger: it is pretty

swagger: i mean

pirate: the leave chat button looks so pretty rn </3

✌️: Dare,,

st mccarthyism: anyways keef you're next </3

keef: ringo um i dare you to um im googling hold on

keef: hehehehehe

swagbowie: oh no

keef: i dare you to say one specific word at the end of every sentence until its your turn again

✌️: I can choose the word?

keef: yes

✌️: Uhh

hando: make it something dumb so that it radiates this chat's energy

✌️: Um like what

swagbowie: s w a g

✌️: Why-

pirate: please no im going blind just looking at that word so much

swagbowie: i think you mean why swag

swagger: its such a good word wym </3

pirate: after meeting you guys its less great </3

swagbowie: damn </3

✌️: So what word,,

savoytruffle: maybe like your favorite candy like skittles or something,,

✌️: Skittles are nice

keef: ahem

✌️: Skittles are nice skittles,,

keef: ty

hando: so is this just gonna last all day or

✌️: Until my next turn skittles </3

hando: okay then </3

✌️: John truth or dare skittles


a/n- did two parts today since i missed a bunch

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