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✌️: The Awkward Silence™

pirate: you haven't even said anything either also that guy named teef

✌️: I get overlooked anyway

st mccarthyism: f in the chat for rings💔

keef: ouch okay wow

swagbowie: omg thats do said no

swagbowie: *hug for ringo*

hando: don't worry ringo I shall give you a kiss mwah

✌️: :')

keef: what did i d o

pirate: what is even going on

swagbowie: keef stealing my mans

swagger: WHAT

swagbowie: oh whoops *stealing my mangos

pirate: wait.. are you dating ringo..

pirate: wait I'm dumb

st mccarthyism: fun fact did you know you can marry a truck

keef: wait no back up,,

swagger: hold on

swagbowie: I MEANT MANGOS

✌️: Wait what im single-

hando: not sure what's going on but I'm enjoying it </3

hando: yea sure mate

pirate: can i add someone

swagger: d e p e n d s

pirate has added savoytruffle

swagger: i said depends but ok pop off

swagbowie: omg are you upset someone didnt listen to your every command 💔

swagger: istg

pirate: too bad swagger❤️

savoytruffle: what is even going on❤️

hando: the sexual swag tension rn

pirate: the sexual tension between me and the leave chat button rn❤️

keef: there is no sexual swag tension

hando: is someone jealous

keef: no-

hando: so yes

keef: no

savoytruffle: I've only been here for a sec but ooh telenovela scenes😳😳

✌️: From what i've gathered, mick and david are together but say they aren't and keith is jealous, and uh, john is sad and most of us don't know why we're here

swagger: we are not together,,

hando: now that I have trapped you all in my chat I will now do something incredibly evil

hando: me and elvis presley aren't together either but I can still dream❤️

st mccarthyism: john

hando: yes my friend😁

st mccarthyism: i mean you do you

swagbowie: zo whtadbthe evil thing

swagger: babe learn to type

hando: it is top secret

hando: did he just say what I think he said

swagbowie: we are not together

hando: sadly, there are no take backs in this chat so anything you say is permanent❤️

keef: anyways

hando: my secret plan is to annoy you all to death </3

st mccarthyism: youre doing a very good job

pirate: even before this chat you already completed that task

swagbowie: guys i accidentally slit my eyebrow

swagger: HOW

savorytruffle: well do the right thing and shave them off and then show us

swagbowie: but no i like them

swagbowie: mick what do you think

swagger: you call me bossy and then make me dictate your every move

swagbowie: yes and

swagger: i think keep them idk

hando: think about the pros and cons of having them first then make a final decision

swagbowie: pros: i would um look better with them and mick likes them

swagbowie: cons: id be boring and unoriginal

hando: you never know you could really surprise yourself

keef: you are so far from boring and unoriginal but you do you

swagbowie: i think i might 

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