one ✨

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a/n- so im very sorry thats all i have to say have a nice time

hando has created a group chat

pirate: no

keef: what

pirate: I said n o

st mccarthyism: you're mean >:((

✌️: But he wasn't talking to you-

swagbowie: who

keef: w h a t

swagbowie: do ik anyone here <+$)

swagbowie: *</3

hando: maybe.. maybe not😳😳

keef: what is going o n

keef: mick's in this?

hando: like I said earlier maybe maybe not😳

pirate: bro

hando: yes my lad you have a question

swagbowie: oh micks with me he's in this ywc

swagbowie: *yes *hes

hando: like i have said many times before maybe maybe not how do you guys not understand

pirate: what does that even MEAN JOHN

hando: you know what it means

✌️: But then why would he ask,,

hando: anyways I'm assuming we all know each other so hopefully we don't need to do weird awkward introductions right

st mccarthyism: it's george

swagbowie: ✨💅✌️💖😼

keef: we do not know each other that's what i've been asking this whole time-

hando: okay then who wants to introduce themselves to the class

swagbowie: hi 💅 im david ✨ im 17 💖

swagger: omg shut up ✨

st mccarthyism: hey we don't tolerate bullying here >:(((

keef: who is ✌️ i'm so confused

hando: someone very special

✌️: ^

hando: okay since everyone is being awkward and no one knows what's going on what do we do now

swagbowie: im nit akwhc

swagger: why

swagbowie: 💅💅

pirate: why are we even here

swagger: i mean i'm sure you guys know me

✌️: I don't

swagbowie: damn micj"s poor ego 💔 do you need a bandaid for that honey 💔

pirate: I don't think I know anyone here because SOMEONE won't explain what's going on

hando: i got lonely and bored, and i knew keith and paul and you and ringo and then i added some random people they followed

st mccarthyism: aw poor john he doesn't have friends💔

swagger: WHAT EGO

swagbowie: WHAT DI YOU MEAN

pirate: I love how the first few minutes of this is just us arguing

✌️: Are they like together, the swag ones

keef: no and they are not swag

st mccarthyism: really because they are acting like my parents and I mistook this for a family groupchat


swagbowie: honey.

swagger: do not

swagbowie: h o n e y

keef: they're not together.

st mccarthyism: alrighty then.. if you say so..

hando: wait yeah poor me pity me

pirate: no❤️

st mccarthyism: no ❤️

hando: damn.. ya meanies

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