Chapter 46. A werewolf's hybrid child

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Several days ago, he had met his true mate, a girl who had barely managed to shift for the very first time, and only then did he understand why he had not met her before. The beautiful and lovely girl was the apple of her parents' eyes and a daughter of one of the king's councilmembers, her parents had dotted upon her since young.

The petite woman was thrilled of meeting him, happy to find him so early, but that was only because she did not know of what he had done. His regret of not waiting for her coupled with the regret of the lives he would destroy, were quickly sealed away, not baring to face the consequences of his actions.

So they were replaced by anger at the injustice of her late appearance and not wanting to admit he had done a horrible mistake, the man rejected his mate just as he found her. Even though they were in the presence of the king and queen.

His father, the king, had tried to stop him, there had never been a member of the royal family rejecting one's mate. But he did not listen, even when the beautiful woman fell wretched at his rejection. How could he tell them he already had a family? How could he say he mated a human woman and made a hybrid child?

Infuriated by his son, the king had done what no other did before, he exiled him from the kingdom even going as far as writing him off from the records of the royal family. Thus in the future, there would never be anyone knowing of the future king's younger brother. His father had even gone so far as to prohibit anyone from mentioning his name.

The man was upset at the father who never seemed to favor him, but he still never believed his exile would be forever. As long as his child would have royal blood, his father would be forced to accept his family, and he would finally take them to the royal palace.

"Don't cry, Fenrir. You are a big boy now. Don't worry, even if you are a hybrid you are my son, you would surely be able to overcome the human side, did I not tell you always?" The man assured his son, rubbing his head.

Only then did the boy smile, he knew that Vlad was speaking nonsense, his father had always told him he would become a strong werewolf, he only waivered for a bit because of the new information. But as expected his father knew best.

"Look, I have brought you a gift. See this rose, this is called a fairy's flower. It is from your grandmother's garden. Now as you can see it is transparent, but if one with royal blood would touch it, it will turn blue. Here, hold it in your hand!" The man joyfully said. As long as the rose turned blue, he would prove the king was wrong, and his exile would end.

Touching with cheerfulness the rose, the boy waited for its color to change, but the enchanted rose remained transparent. It did not turn to any color, not to mention blue.

In the present time

Celia was still standing still, even though she did not like the feeling of his hand on her face, as the only one who had caressed her cheeks had been her mate.

In her current human form she could not do much even if she wanted to, as the man before her seemed capable of killing her at the slightest of mistakes. But, even in her fright she still understood the meaning behind his words. By associating her with the king, could this man know she was his mate? Why else would he say she was the strongest werewolf's weakness?

"I have no idea what you are talking about!" Celia feigned ignorance. There were not many that knew of her existence as the queen, as long as she denied it, this man had no way of verifying the truth. She did not want to become a bargaining chip in his hands.

The demon like man chuckled, at her failed attempt to hide the truth. The beautiful woman before him looked so innocent and pure, even in her solemn appearance, dressed in a black uniform. How lovely would it be if he had a mate, a mate like this woman before him.

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