"What are these footprints?" Sir asked, looking down all of their shoes were covered in thick brown mud.

The three couldn't hold back their laughter at Mr Bell's face as he saw the Lamas.

"What the-"

The three stood there sheepishly, awaiting their punishment. However, Mr Bell just began to laugh.


Lana was sat in the canteen alone, Riz was at rugby practice so she was happy to sit on her own.

To her surprise, Missy and Nas plopped themselves opposite her. Lana remained silent, trying not to laugh at the girls for taking a direct approach, it wasn't going to work.

"Lana, how are you?" Missy smiled, trying to start conversation.

"I was fine" Lana began, "but i'm confused, what the fuck are you doing sat with me?" she smiled sarcastically.

"We just wanted to apologise" Nas pushed.

"Oh apologise? i think it's clear how you really feel about me and my family, seeing as your happy to rob whats basically my brother and the family who took me in when i had nowhere to go."

The two girls remained silent,

"Yeah that's what i thought" Lana sneered before walking away.


"The farmer was threatening to go to the police, a Lama is apparently worth nearly a grand" Mr Bell scoffed, helplessly trying to explain the situation as best as he could to Kevin Wilson.

"But Jordan, Lana and Cory have returned them so that's all taken care of, however it's not just the theft, Mr Wilson, if Jordan himself does anything like this again, he will get out back into custody."

Lana and Cory shared a glance before she felt her heart drop, she didn't want to lose Jordan again, but with his erratic behaviour, she wouldn't even be surprised if he did.

"You see, Jordan underperformed in his mocks so-"

"You failed your exams?" Kevin growled towards Jordan.

"They were mocks," Mr Bell butted in, "he just didn't do as well as Cory and Lana for example."

"Mr Wilson, there is so much potential in Jordan, there really is, we just need to find a way to bring it out."

"Right, thanks" Mr Wilson muttered sarcastically, the three teenagers following.

"We had, uh, a family emergency," Kevin pleaded over the phone, "i can come in now, tomorrow then?
what? you said the job was in the bag! okay, right, goodbye." Mr Wilson came off the phone, the three had realised what this had cost him.


Jordan, Cory and Lana looked between eachother, an almost awkward look on their faces, awaiting the storm that was to come.

"Sorry" Jordan nodded to Kevin, who had his back turned to him.

"What for?" he sighed, "screwing up your exams? having another jumped-up berk in a suit tell me where i'm going wrong? we can't pay our water bill and you three are running around like the worlds a fucking playground!" he roared, looking all three of them in the eye, one by one.

"You see you might be able to walk away, but i'm not" Jordan sighed as he began to walk up the stairs, before Kevin grabbed his foot, pulling him down.

"Dad!" Cory yelled.

"Walk away? cause that's what i do is it? that job, that was our last chance, and you've all ruined it!"

"You can't get a job, cause your a loser!" Jordan spat.

"J, just stop it" Lana whispered, stepping back slightly into Cory's chest.

"Do you know how much i can't stand this place? the carpet that always smells, the crap food, seeing your miserable face every day, comparing about how crap your life is, blaming everyone else! You've never actually stopped to think eh, ask us how we are, how our fucking day was hm? No wonder Mum couldn't wait to leave us"

And with that, Kevin grabbed Jordan by his collar, pulled him into the lounge and threw him to the ground.

"Dad" Cory spoke, but just ended up getting completely ignored.

Kevin began kicking Jordan, not kicking, he was full on booting him relentlessly, on his back, his stomach, his arms.

Lana began to feel déja vu from when her mother had done it to her, and she knew she had wished someone was there to help her, so that's what she did.

Trusting her gut instinct, she stepped forward, despite Cory trying to hold her back.

"Get the fuck off him" Lana cried, bending down to help Jordan. However, this only aggravated Kevin more. He landed a couple of swift kicks on Lana, pushing her into the edge of the sofa. Realising what he'd done to the two kids laying on the ground, he got up and ran out the door.

As soon as he left, all Lana could make out was a blurry Cory, running to their side, before everything went black.

𝑰𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆, 𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒈𝒆😈Where stories live. Discover now