Fake Nerd Chap 3 -

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"What how could you reject him?!''
She got up and yelled at you like a mom who is scolding her child for doing something wrong.

"Calm down girl calm down."

"You should be happy cause maybe you can have him for you now"You sip your drink while patting her shoulder.

"Oh really?"
Her eyes widen a little but soon a smile appeared on her face.

"Yeah...umm...maybe you should go see him I heard that he is at the gym."
You said and yes it's clear that you were just trying to get rid of her.

"Yeah you're right I'm going to win this man's heart this time!"

She said full of confidence.

"Yeah go girl you can do it!"
You tried to encourage her.

With that she ran out if the restaurant.

You sat back on the chair and sighed heavily.

Finally got rid of her.

"Here is your food miss...Be careful it's hot!"The waiter said and placed the dishes infront of you.

"Ah thank you"
You gave him a friendly smile.

He looked exhausted.
You heard his stomach growl.
Both of you paused for a moment and looked at each other.

"Oh s-sorry"
He hid his face because of embarrassment.

"I can't finish all to food alone can you help me?"You asked.

"Thank you but oh no no"

"No no help me please"
You held his wrist preventing him from leaving.

He sat down and you both started eating.

At first he was a little bit shy but you both eventually started talking more.
His name Jin.
He is 28 years old and is married to Kim Namjoon.

You both finished eating.

"Thank you a lot today I had a really bad day but you cheered me up"
He said while putting the chopstick down.

"Don't worry I'm sure that your husband and you will make up"You reassured him.

"Thank you again.You can come any time you want and umm are you sure that you don't want me to take you home it's getting dark outside."

He asked a little bit worried.

"No It's okay bye"
You both waved goodbye to each other.
Of course you didn't let him him take you home.
He was tired and you just met him but he was really kind and funny.

If Jin wasn't gay I would be his girlfriend.
His husband kim namjoon doesn't like seafood but jin really likes it so he decided to open a restaurant.

They got into fight because of this.

19:00 pm already?
I live in a neighbourhood that is very quiet so it's kinda creepy to walk here at night.
H-huh?W-What was that?

You came back to earth when you heard some footsteps.
You started walking faster as you felt like someone was following you but you only heard the footsteps coming closer.

Before you could turn around everything turn black.

{Time Skip}


You slowly opened your eyes and only to see four girls.

You were shocked to see that three of them were in undergarments and the other one was still wearing her clothes.

Your hands started shaking due to fear and it became kinda hard for you to breath.

No!It's n-not time to panic!
I need to find help and I still have my clothes too.
This means that the person who brought me here didn't do anything.

The three girls looked traumatized the other one was searching for something.

"Can you tell am where I am?"
You asked the girl which still had clothes.

She turned around.

"You finally woke up!I don't know but it's almost 21:00 pm he is going to come right now"She started panicking

"Can you tell me what's happening?"
You asked almost crying.
Are you gonna die here?
In this place?
Will you ever see your parents again?

"First you need to tell me what happend?"She pat your back a little.

"I was returning home when I heard footsteps behind me then suddenly everything went black."You explained with tears welling up in your eyes.

"Actually I think that this guy kidnapped us...umm I've been here for 1 week and those girls..huh I think that they've been here for a pretty long time."

I got kidnapped!
H-How?What s-should I?

Your brain stopped working.
Right now you just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry your heart out.

"Did he r-rape them?"
Tell that he didn't...
It's the worse thing ever.
This has to be nightmare...

"No...he always tell them that they will be free when they satisfy him...these girls arw completly traumatized...I don't know what he did to them...they just keep repeating his name or cry."
She said making you gulp.

"Did he already do this to you too?"
You asked in a worried tone.

"No but I really want to get out of here!"
She started banging on the door.

Suddenly the door opened revealing......

{Fake Nerd} 21+ Kim taehyung FF {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now