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as finn drove home, all he could think about was the fact that he may or may not have lost y/n.

she meant something to him, and the fact that he just ghosted her like that, made him extremely upset with himself.

but really, what else could he do? i mean, he couldn't possibly just tell her how he feels just like that. their friendship meant so much to him, that the mere idea of ruining it only because he caught feelings, scared him.

but why should he be scared at this point? their friendship, which seemed so perfect, and fun, has started crashing down, and he couldn't think of an excuse for the way he acted.

it seems as if their friendship was ripping at the seams, and there was nothing more that either of them could do.

as finn drove past the highway, he decided to park near the coffee shop, and headed over to the woods nearby.

he had missed the place. to be fair, he hasn't seen it in quite a while.

he came there to clear his thoughts, but when y/n came, he didn't feel the need to, because he knew he could just tell her anything and everything.

but now, all has gone to shit, and he doesn't have y/n anymore.


"okay, i'll see you guys tomorrow!" the girl smiled, walking out of one of the changing rooms, as she headed out her workplace.

she felt the need to escape, she felt this energy sort of pulling her to go and take a calming little walk in the woods nearby.

she loved going there when she was in high school, and she doesn't really have a clue on why she stopped going.

the girl would go to the coffee shop, and head over to the woods right after school every single friday.

she smiled at the memory and stood in front of the coffee shop.

"i miss you, jaeden" she sighed quietly, entering the store, she was glad it was open 24/7.

this was where it all started.

this was the place she first met jaeden, also the same place finn wanted to take her to when they first met.

she missed finn with all her heart, but she couldn't do anything about it.

her problem was commitment from the start, so she wasn't too upset about it. yes, she was upset her friend ghosted her, but she wasn't shocked because at this point, she was used to it.

he had let her down, just like everyone else did.

after ordering her cup of coffee, she decided to head over to the woods, luckily, it wasn't so dark, as there were lamps and such along the pathway.

a nice stroll, is what she would call it,

until ...

quick A/N, really short and really shit chapter, i know i'm sorry aaaa

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