Chapter 7. The new routine

Start from the beginning

Zane nodded and did not ask of her again.

Eating his dinner unaccompanied was something usual for him. In fact, unless he was at business meals with other people, he would always eat alone. 

But who knew, that it would take only two meals with Aria, for him to feel strange about exactly this, having his meal  without her lively presence. Sitting  in the huge dining room, even with countless delicious dishes in front of him, it felt a little bit like something was missing, like it was much too quiet, but he did not ponder long on this, focusing his attention on eating.

Taking several more bites of food, he stopped eating altogether lacking appetite, even though he knew that his ulcer would act up again if he did not eat properly, and climbed up the stairs to go to his own bedroom.

Stopping a bit in front of the bedroom he looked towards her door stealing a glance, before he went to his own room and went to sleep.

Early in the morning, Aria worried she would have to eat breakfast again with Zane so, thinking in advance, she woke up an hour earlier to make sure she wouldn't run into him again. But as soon as she opened the dining room door she was in for a disappointment, as Zane was already sitting at the table, quietly reading a newspaper.

Having no other choice, she approached the table resigned of her situation.

'Good morning!' She said slowly, as she sat down. Well it was only breakfast, then he would leave for work she thought. She could take it until then.

'Good morning!' He replied and closed the newspaper, before starting to eat.

They had their breakfast in silence, he ate with quite a good appetite, compensating for last night's dinner, contrasting to Aria who ate with quite a poor one, as though she was also compensating but for overeating the previous night.

Finishing their breakfast, she excused herself to her room hoping he would leave in some time and she could resume her usual routine, but she did not take in to account that it was a Sunday, and unfortunately he would be home the entire day.

That's right, after suffering through breakfast even lunch was no better. She only ate a bit, but he had his full, accompanied by her. Unfortunately, considering that her full would be about two three portions of his food, Zane had not realized she ate less than she normally would, and thought this was the norm.

After lunch she once again fled, but bored to be in her room and not able to go outside as it was raining, she wandered a bit around the house in places she had thought he will not be. A mechanical cold man like him surely would not have any reason to go near the second's floor music room.

One of Aria's most fervent dreams since childhood had been to know how to play the piano, but raised in an orphanage she only managed to learn how to play one simple song on it from a teacher who had worked part time one summer. 

Of course, the song was not something fancy, as she did not even know the musical notes, but it was a perfect nursery rhyme for the children.

The sound of the piano playing "Twinkle, twinkle little star" did not went unnoticed by Zane who was passing by the door. Slowly curious of who was playing such a song he opened the door, just to see the beautiful fair lady elegantly moving her hand across the large instrument. Sitting in the light, with her hair in loose waves on her back and dressed in a pale pink dress, she seemed more like a fairy rather than a human.

Unknowingly, he approached her slowly, listening to her play, until he was standing by her side.

'I am sorry boys, even though I would like to play something else also, mama does not know another song other than this. Should I play it again?' She asked directing her gaze to her belly as she finished the song.

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