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I walked back from the atsronomy tower. Still thinking about what happend, first I was happy I got my revange, but now. Now i am thinking about it it maybe wasn't the best idea to push voldemorts son of a building. 

I felt a force throwing me to the side. Befor I could grab my wand I felt a a hand on my throat. I looked up and it was the o so great Mattheo riddle. He started to squeez my throat so I couldn't breath. ' Really brave of you, even that you know I can't be killed. fh...Fuck.....you.' I breathed out with my least breath. He let go and my hand directly grabbed my troat. I looked up and het was gone. I just disspeared. 

The day of the meeting

It was the day of the meeting, the day of me losing my soul. I didn't know what to expect. I could be killed the moment I walked in. Because of the incident. Maybe he didn't tell his father. He probably did. GOD how stupid could I be. I looked at the clock and it was time for me to go. To go and get killed, probably. I grabbed the floo powder and went to the common room, nobody was there luckly. I waited for Draco, in the information my father sended me stood that the meeting would be at the malfoy manor. So I talked to Draco and apparently he is a death eater. I looked him in the eyes and saw that it was killing him from the inside. 

There he was I simply noded at him and we both used the powder to get to the manor. I walked in and to my suprise now one was trying to kill me. Maybe you know who wanted to do it him self, wouldn't suprise me. I saw Narcissa and walked to her. She gave my a warm hug. Narcissa was sort of my mother since my real one wasn't around to raise me. I released myself from the hug and she gave me a look with a lot of unspoken words like sorry. I nodded at her to let her know it was okey and that I was ready, what I was not. But I didn't wanted her to worry about me. We walked to the dinning room and we sad down. I sat next to draco. All the death eaters where there except for to and you can guess, Mattheo and Voldermort. Sadly there was a open seat next to me. 

Mattheo walked in and looked around the tabel when he saw me he smirked at me, a smirk that gave my shivers down my spine. He walked over and calmly sad down. He just kept looking at me and smirking so i decided to whisper to him ' so when am I gonna die?' He looked at me a little confused but then remembered that I pushed him of the tower. ' Don't worry darling you are not gonna die, I didn't told my father about it.' I looked at him confused, he didn't told his father, but why. ' You are probebly asking your self why? Well because sweet Y/N, you are the first person who ever talked back to me and I kinda like your spirit. So i am gonna have some fun with you and after that, kill you.' Then on that moment he walked in every death eater looked at the table. 

He looked at evey person and stoped at me. ' Everybody we have a new member, well not yet of course, Mattheo would you like te give her the mark.' This was it, it was gonna happen. The thing i feard most of all was gonna happen. I gues there was no happy ending for me. Maybe it was beter to turn all of my feelings off. I always hid them but now it was time to delete my feelings just a couple breathes and I felt them flow away. I gave Mattheo my wrist and looked at him in the eyes, emotions gone and I was never planning to get them back. His wand went to my wrist. A burning pain, somtinh I never felt  before but I didn't gave anyone an emotion. I was done, done with thinking I could get a happy ending because I can't I will never get out of here, it is beter to exept the fact. 

When Mattheo was done he looked at me for a reaction but he didn't get one, he looked at me weird because he didn't saw a emotion in my face nothing. I looked at my wrist and there it was the dark mark, something I once feared but not anymore, fear is for stupid humans. 

Hey guys, 

I know it is so flipping short but I don't really have the time and i think I have a writers block. I will try to update soon again and with a longer chapter. 

I am so sorry. 


Mika <3

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