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I walked back to the common room as fast as possible. I started to get a headache and I was really tired. People starting to go to the great hall and soon enough the hall ways were full. I didn't know where Mattheo was, I lost him from the moment I walked out of the office. I was far away from being sober but I drank so much I was probebly gonna have a huge headache for a couple days.
Ever one was talking and my head was pounding it was all to much to me. The sounds, my headache, my thoughts.

'Dad where is mom? She is gone Y/N, she isn't coming back.' His tone was rough I never heard him like that. He was always a sweet loving father but now it was the first time he spoke to me like that. I didn't know what was going on. 'where did she go then. DON'T ask questions. But dad I miss her.' He slapped me really hard I felt my lip bleed. It hurted allot and I started to cry my father never hit me never and now he did. 'SHUT UP YOU UNGRATEFUL PIG.' I started to cry even harder I was 7 years old and in all those 7 years my father had never ever yelled at me. I ran upstairs and shut my door quietly I didn't want to anger my dad even more.

I was shocked of the sudden flashback it was a memory that I had buried deep down and locked up. It was probably all of the things around me that made it happen, but this was the start of my cold hearted father how he became the person he was now.

I couldn't control my emotions everything was to much and when a little first year bumped up to me I lost it. I took my wand, before I casted a spell I remembered that if I used an unforgivable curse I would be expelled and I didn't want that. For the spell I thought of I didn't even needed a wand. The boy looked at me with frightend eyes. When I putted my wand down he started to relax but that was for short. I lifted him with my mind and threw him against the wall. The sight of his scared eyes and the sound of a crack when his bones collided with the wall made me sort of happy in some kind of way. I felt better letting my anger out on him.
A little smile formed on my lips and everybody ran to the boy I turned around and saw Leo looking at me. When he saw my smile he looked a little shocked but that was only for a moment. I winked at him and walked away to my dorm to finally get some sleep.

I woke up and my head was pounding like I predicted. I saw Odeya laying on her bed reading. ' Onny, how long did I sleep? A whole day. A WHOLE DAY AND YOU DIDN'T WAKE ME UP?! Don't worry sweetie its Sunday.' Sunday I slept a whole fucking day I couldn't remember a thing about the party. ' how late is it onny? Almost time for lunch.' I got up slowly whit my head starting to pound even more while standing. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. The hot water felt nice on my skin and my head was pounding a little bit less but I knew once I got out it would start to get worse again. And it did.

I looked in the mirror and I looked like trash. Big bags under my eye all the collor was drained out of my face. I looked like I was sick.

I walked to the common room and saw Jacob, Blaise, Draco and Odeya waiting for me.

'Oy, you sick?' Blaise said a little to loud for my head. ' No, Blaise only a pounding headache so please don't talk so fucking loud.'
He threw his hands in the air in surrender.

We walked to the great hall, my friends were chatting but I didn't feel like talking. Every part of my body hurts. We sat down at the slytherin table and started to eat. Only now feeling how hungry I was. I hadn't eat in a day. I started to fill my plate completely with food and stuffed it in my mouth. Jacob who sat in front of me started to laugh because of the way I stuffed all of my food. ' You hungry Y/N.' I didn't say anything and just looked angry at him.

After 10 minutes Leo walked in the great hall. He saw me and walked to where I was sitting and sat down next to me. ' Hey beautiful.' All of the sudden I got a flashback from last night. We were playing Truth or Dare and I got dared to kiss him and I did. I liked kissing him. ' Fuck off.' I couldn't show any emotions. I can't have a boyfriend it shows weakness and people will think of me of a less dangerous person. ' ms.Sai please come with me.' I looked behind me and saw proffesor snape standing there. This was my way out, away from talking to Leonardo. I stood up and we walked out of the great hall. But then I remeberd something else memory's from last night started to come back. 

After the party I went to the astronomy tower and hung out with mother fucking Mattheo Riddle, the reason I was walking behind Snape was probebly because my father was waiting in the headmasters office. I was right my father was sitting in the chair staring at me with a deadly look. 

Dumbledore was talking about the night explaining what happend. I didn't listen I was only thinking about what would happen next after we left the office. 

I felt someone grapping my arm, I looked up and saw it was my father. He slured me out of the office to a empty corridor. 

' I am really disappointed in you Y/N. I havn't raised you like that.' I felt tears slowly coming down my face. Hogwarts was my safe place away from my father away from all this. ' I CERTAINLY DIDN'T RAISE YOU AS A WEAK PERSON WHAT THIT I TELL YOU ABOUT CRYING.' He slapped me. I stopped crying I immediately. I didn't wan't it to get worse. ' I will not punish you this time because you made friends with the lords son. It's good that you like each other because you will see him alot more times out of school, next weekend you will get more information.' I knew what it meant I was becoming a death eater. Something I never wanted to be, something I feard to be for my whole live. My father was a death eater that was no suprise, but couldn't nore wanted to be one. Before I could think about it I stated to talk back well actually beg my father for not letting me do this. ' No please dad I don't wan't to be a death eater please don't let me become one pleaaasseeee!!!!' It slipped my mouth and I knew what was coming for me. Before you could say witch I was laying on the ground through the crusio curse. 

I was used to it. He did it alot, it still hurts alot but I stopped screaming, I stopped showing emotion, this is how I became who I was now days. 

It stopped and I was relieved but scared to stand up. ' I will send you the information.' I heard my father walk away. When the sounds of steps were gone I stood up slowly. I looked around to see if anyone saw what happend and I was shocked. Mattheo was standing there looking at me no emotion in his face as usual. I walked away, I didn't wan't him to see me like this, weak. I wasn't a weak person. 

When I was in my dorm I took a shower. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 8pm already. I was tired and went to bed, I fell in a dreamless sleep. 

Hey guys, 

I know it is short but I am really bussy with school and I really wanted to update. I am really tired right now so as usual if there are any typos please tell me. 

I also wanted to thank you all for the support almost 800 reads its crazy I never thought it would get so many reads!!! Thank you all so much. 

I am gonna try to make the chapters longer. 

Love you all. 

Lost of love, 

Mika <3

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