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"Trying to judge blindfolded doesn't make you Themis."

– Rachel Archer


Welcome back! Let me explain the meaning of my quote: When trying to make the right judgement of something we shouldn't blindfold ourselves on purpose - "blindfolding" as in consciously choosing to ignore anything like facts, figures, reasons, conditions, events, etc. that would happen to be vital in any way or have weight over the final decision taken. So, we shouldn't think that putting a blindfold on will magically give us the power of Themis - the Greek Titaness of divine law and order because we are just ordinary mortals, according to these old beliefs. I suppose, her judgment was thought to be always correct, even though the symbolism of her being blindfolded says otherwise. To simplify it - don't be prejudiced, biased and don't ignore things just so you could make your decision faster.

– Rae  A.

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