"Let's not," I replied before hurrying off and leaving her behind.

When I arrived at my classroom I noticed my classmates murmuring around me, all of them sneaking suspicious glances my way. Confused, I walked up to my seat and immediately asked my friends, "what's up with everyone? Why are is everyone acting up?"

Seokmin and Myungho just looked up at me in disbelief for a second, and then they glanced at one another, seemingly deciding who would be the one to explain it to me. Finally, Myungho fixed his eyes on me, and I figured he had lost.

"You really don't know?" He asked me, clearly still dubious of my oblivion. I shook my head. I tried to wrack my brain, but because I refused to believe anyone had noticed my weekend get-away with Nayoung, I could not imagine what else people had come up with. Myungho cleared his throat, and I could tell this was kind of awkward for him, so I kind of felt bad. Still, he said, "Everyone's talking about your relationship with Nayoung."

"Yeah!" Seokmin jumped in. "A bunch of people came up to us and asked us about it, but we didn't know anything," Seokmin shook his head, "honestly man, we're supposed to be your boys. How are you not going to tell us that you're going out with one of the prettiest girls in school?"

I was so stunned by the sudden accusations that I had to take a couple of steps back. Suddenly, all the whispers and glancers had clicked right into place. Of course, someone must have seen us together at the station and figured we were dating. It made sense. We were never seen together at school, so it was clear we weren't "friendly" with each other. All that was left to assume was that we were romantically involved. Why else would we be going away to somewhere far away, together?

As I took my seat I couldn't stop shaking my head. At first, I was amused, and as I turned to face my friends once more, I was ready to plead my case. But as my eyes fixed on Seokmin's face, I thought of Wonwoo.

Wonwoo was probably hearing this shit right now. And while Wonwoo knew the truth, I could not risk him misunderstanding me.

"Nayoung and I aren't dating," I clarified. Seokmin and Myungho just looked at me, seemingly deciding if I was telling the truth or not. I forced a smile, and while thinking of Wonwoo, I said, "Really. Nayoung's grandparents are loyal shoppers of the market, and they wanted someone to accompany their granddaughter to her visit to Seoul. They offered to compensate me if I went, and besides, she's a girl so," I shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant, "they're concerned for her safety."

And that seemed to be enough to click for my friends. "Ah," Myungho mumbled, and Seokmin nodded along.

"Yeah that makes sense," Seokmin agreed. "How are you going to explain this to everyone else, though?" He asked, and I was quick to dismiss that.

"I don't really care what anyone else thinks," I said, still thinking of Wonwoo. "I just want my friends to know the truth," and even as I said that I could feel the guilt form on my chest and stay there. Personally, I would have preferred to be upfront with them both. But I knew that neither would understand why I was putting up with Nayoung in the first place, and that was something I wasn't all too willing to share anyway.

And while my heart was heavy as I spoke untruths, the looks on my friends' faces eased me. Seokmin, for that matter, looked very pleased and prideful. It was clear that he liked that I held him in such high esteem that I would be "honest" with them. Myungho looked at me with a pleased expression as well, and he too seemed to be happy that I held them with such confidence.

I decided then and there that I would never tell them the truth of the matter if I could avoid it. "Anyway," I started, hoping they'd let me move on the way I wished, "do you think the teacher will get here soon? Or do you guys think I have enough time to visit Wonwoo real quick?" I asked.

Pandora's Box | kim mingyu & jeon wonwooWhere stories live. Discover now