Moon Child

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Author: hyhhkook 

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Author: hyhhkook 

Top: Jungkook

Words: 89021

Tag: #AlphaBetaOmegaDynamics, #Alpha/Omega, #OmegaTaehyung, #AlphaJungkook, #AlphaNamjoon, #AlphaHoseok, #OmegaJimin, #OmegaSeokjin, #BetaYoongi, #MatingBond, #MatingCycles/Heats, #Scenting, #ProtectiveJungkook, #HurtTaehyung, #MatingBites, #SexualTension, #Angst, #AngstWithAHappyEnding, #Implied/ReferencedRape/Non-con, #JungkookIsWhipped


Hoseok convinces Jungkook to find an omega to help with his rut. What Jungkook doesn't expect is to meet the most beautiful omega he's ever laid eyes on. After their one-night stand, the young alpha is determined to win him over as his mate.

The only problem?Taehyung isn't interested.

(Basically, a college AU where Jungkook is whipped, and Taehyung, beneath his prickly exterior, is more than a little damaged.)

Status: Complete


External link's gonna be in the comments.

AN: Feel free to comment on what kind of ships you want or if you want a rec dedicated to you.

I know I update once in a blue moon. Please don't hate me.

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