"Aren't you worried?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "No, why?"

Just then, we heard the front door open and then slam shut. "Because Ryder knows who it is and he knows where Felix lives."

We stared at each other for all of two seconds before running downstairs and out the door, chasing after Ryder.

"Wait! Ryder, don't do this! We just talked about this!" I yelled after him, but he kept running. "If you hurt him I'll never forgive you!"

He stopped and turned to face me, as we were now only inches away from each other. "How could you do this, Riya?"

"Do what?"

"Never mind!"


He rolled his eyes. "Don't play dumb."

"I'm not playing!"

"Whatever, Riya. Just get away from me." He shook his head and walked over to the forest before stripping and running into the woods in wolf form.

"Hey, what *huff-puff* did I *huff-puff* miss?" Kady choked out.

"Ryder just- wait, where were you?"

"I got cut off by a taco truck."

"You mean you saw one and started running after it?"

She shrugged. "Same difference. I don't have a very good sense of direction. So what did Ryder say?"

"I guess he thinks I betrayed him. He basically told me to leave him alone."

"Hmm." Kady hummed like she knew something as she ate her taco.

I just shook my head and shrugged it off knowing Ryder and I would make up. We always did.


The next day, Felix was waiting for me at my locker. I was flattered, yet worried that it might upset Ryder, but he wasn't at his locker. Surprise, surprise.

"Hey, babe." I stood up on my tippy-toes to kiss him before we walked to first period, English, together.

When we stepped into the classroom, hand in hand, we got a few stairs. Most them were from the wolves in my pack. They knew he was a human and it was very unusual for a werewolf to date a human.

Ms. Lowes entered the classroom. "All right class, settle down, settle down. Everyone have a seat." She began writing the assignment for the day on the board.

Just then, Ryder opened the door and came in with a look on his face that made my blood run cold.

"How nice of you to join us, Ryder." The teacher said with mock sweetness in her voice.

Ryder just nodded and took a seat by the window. He looked like he had just woken up come straight to school. His shirt was half untucked, his pants sagging lower than usual, which wasn't much anyway. His hair was messy and rugged, when usually he spent hours perfecting it and only ever letting me touch it.

I didn't realize I was staring until I felt a hand roaming up my skirt and I tore myself away from Ryder. "Not this again." I mumbled to myself. "Ty, please don't do this. I have a boyfriend."

"If you having a mate didn't stop me, why would you think you having a boyfriend would. Besides, he's human. It wont last." He hissed back at me.

"Like your parents relationship?"

His claws came out and scratched me, making me jump. "Why don't you shut your mouth before you get yourself into trouble."

"With who? The Midnight pack? I'm not afraid of them. I know exactly how to handle them." I lied. I was actually terrified of them and what they could do.

My Overprotective Best Friend and my Abusive Teacher MateWhere stories live. Discover now