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It seemed like this time I was not destined to go on the quest with Percy, Frank, and Hazel. The prophecy was clear. Only 3 would go. To be honest, it was better this way, but one could have still hoped.

Frank just gave me one pitiful look. "I'm sorry, Y/n," he had said. "I know you're an amazing fighter and all, but your talents would probably he better spent here."

I could tell he was trying to be nice about it. Of course, what else could he say. Hazel was the love of his life, and his dad, Mars, had just told him to bring Percy with him. It wouldn't be very good to disrespect your godly parent after the first meeting.

Still, they would need to go to the Senate in the morning to validate the quest. Frank would need to be promoted as well, if he would have to be able to go on the quest. That just reminded me more of how disappointed mother earth would be if I couldn't get a promotion myself.

I thought of my dad. His small smile, bright eyes. The shocked look in my mother's eyes seemed to surface at that moment, and I pushed it back down. The pain pressed down on me as if I were at the bottom of the ocean. I don't know why I had been avoiding thinking about it for this long. Perhaps if I didnt think about it, it would reverse time. Still, I knew all too well that that wasn't possible.

Reyna dismissed me after talking to me shortly. Apparently, I was expected to be at the council tomorrow, something about delivering letters as part of my caml job. She also congratulated me on my performance in the games, but she still seemed a little skeptical. I said that I was a summoned, but she had already told me that summoned aren't able to do what I can. What would she think when I literally just showed everyone in the open about my fire abilities.

I laughed to myself as I started to walk back to camp to get cleaned up. What would they think when they saw my ability over water and air. Just like, hello I am the avatar. I was in desperate need of a shower considering I was still covered head to toe in ashes. Basilisk ashes. That was the other part that just baffled me.

Obviously the basilisk had to do something with Gaea, but it also confirmed the fact that another camper was on Gaea's side. Wasn't I already doing enough damage on my own?

A horrifying image flashed in my mind. The seven heroes, dead. Their mission failed. Leo's face, pale and grey flashed in my mind's eye. I faltered. I really had made a big mess this time. Hundreds of scenarios flashed through my mind. My heart was racing in moments, and soon I found that I could barely breathe. I faltered where I was walking, and I was sure that everyone would see the panic on my face.

I slipped behind one of the buildings, pressing my back against the wall. I couldn't do this. I could feel the pressure building up around me until tears were stinging in my eyes. How much would it really take to push me over the edge?

"Y/n?" Came a voice. "Hey, are you okay?"

I looked over, all I saw were faint dark curls, and I instantly thought of Leo before I realized it was Percy.

I took in a deep breath. Wiping away the single tear that had managed to escape from my eye.

"Sorry," I mumbled. "You weren't supposed to see that."

"It's okay. I won't tell anyone."

I think he was already starting to feel uncomfortable seeing my moments weakness. But he also understood.

"Sometimes I feel like that myself. I know there's something more bothering you," he said. "You can talk to me."

I shuddered. What would he truly think if I told him everything. The fact that I knew something I'd do in the future would lead them to fail. I pressed a straight expression onto my face. It wasn't that I was mad at him or anything, more that I was mad at myself.

Of Greeks And Romans (Leo Valdez x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now