Air Travel Hacks

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1 - Organise chargers in glasses cases while traveling

2 - To keep necklaces from tangling, keep them organised in straws

3 - To keep shoes together in your luggage and prevent your clothes getting dirty, keep them in plastic shower caps

4 - To make time go by a lot quicker don't check the flight map or the time very frequently, as the saying goes; "A watched pot never boils."

5 - Remember to bring a eyemask if it is a overnight flight, you never know if the person beside you will decide to keep their light on while you are trying to sleep.

6 - Gum is also very important to chew while taking off and landing, mostly when landing because of the high air pressure and you need your ears to pop.

7 - Tie a bright ribbon or anything to your luggage, because someone else taking your bag on accident is not good! [And your bag will be a whole lot cuter ;)]

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