Chapter 1

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Jonah POV

"Officer Marais!" I turned around and saw Sergeant Clements.

"Yes, sir?" I asked.

"Your here early," he said. I chuckled and continued walking with him. I'm not that intimidated by him. We are actually close.

"Yes, sir, I just had nothing better to do. Figured there couldn't possibly be nothing going on in good ol' Los Angeles," I replied.

"I heard yall's new song last night, it was amazing," He said.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Jonah, Simp." We turned to see the one and only Jack Avery.

"Officer Avery, if you call me a Simp one more time, I will have the S.W.A.T after you," Sergeant Clements replied. Jack played it off with a laugh.

"No problem, sir," Jack said.

"You too go and get your day started," he said as he went to his office.

"Hello," Jack greeted.

"Hey," I replied

"Wanna go ahead and get your coffee? Today feels like it will be hectic," He said. I nodded.

"I hope not," I said. We actually just got done filling out a missing person report. We turned it over to the investigators and Homicide units.

"Let's go," I said as we headed to our vehicle.

Daniel POV

"We are jamming!" Corbyn yelled as he played music. Honestly, I feel bad. We should be doing something other than making nursery rhymes about the department. Zach was with us. Of course these days we don't have many fires. At least counting the rest of America. So, the FF are trained a lot like us EMT's.

"Watch this," Zach whispered as he threw a pancake at one of his fellow coworkers. 

"Herron!" Avery Dil, Zachs best friend who is also a Firefighter, yelled.

"Well, Avery, move," Zach laughed. The alarm went off for all of us, so we ran to the garage. Zach, Avery, and the other fellow Fire Fighters started getting ready. Corbyn and finished up our coffee's and we ruched to our ambulance. We were going down the road, and we looked over the report.

"Car crash," Corbyn said and he put his sun glasses on top of his head. I nodded and slid mine on. Fire engine 05 was beside us, so we made room for them.

"We're going on a trip, in our favourite piece of shit, flying through stop signs, let's save a life," Corbyn sang. I let out a small chuckle and pulled up to the scene.

"This looks bad," I said.

"Yep," Corbyn said as he quickly pulled out his seat belt. We both rushed to the back to get the huge bag of supplies and stretcher. I carried the bag to the waiting officer, and I let Corbyn get the rest.

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