Chapter 2

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Jonah POV

"Hello, Daniel," I said as Daniel walked up to me. He smiled.

"What do we have here, Officer?" HE asked.

"Well, intoxicated driver, swerved and slammed into this car. One severely injured person, but the other has minor. The drunk driver has already been taken to the hospital. The one with minor injuries is over there," I said as I pointed to the female. "But the male is stuck in the car. We're waiting for the fire department to get their equipment ready," I said, as i showed Daniel to the car.

"Ok, got you," Daniel said as he turned around.

"I got the stretcher, anything else?" Corbyn asked.

"Yes, please go and get Zach and tell him to hurry up." Corbyn walked off to go do so.

Daniel POV

"Excuse me, sir? Help is here. Can you tell me if anything hurts?" I asked.

"Everything," He mumbled.

"Everything? Ok, we are going to help you. Corbyn!"


"Where is Zach?!"

"Right here." I looked to my side and saw him.

"Ok," I said as I moved back for him to get to work. He removed to door and moved back.

"Ok," I said as I got the board out.

"We need you to slide a little. That's it. We got the rest....Good." We got him and strapped him on. He was good to go. Neck brace and everything.

"Thanks guys, see you later," I said as I put the board on the stretcher. We buckled everything in and took him to the ambulance.

"You got it?" Corbyn asked as he held the door.

"Yeah, go ahead," I said as he closed the doors and cranked up the vehicle. I went ahead and started the report for the hospital.

Zach POV

"Hello," Avery said as he stood beside me. We were both the "runts" of the pack. We were both under 6 feet, which most of the others were above.

"What's up?" I asked as I put away the tools. 

"That was crazy," he said. I nodded.

"Yeah, Jonah had to go to the hospital with a guy, cause he was going to get in trouble. It's hard to picture Jonah getting after someone," I chuckled.

"Guess we best head to the station," I chuckled. We got into the truck and sat there thinking about what'd just happened.

Jack POV

I let Jonah handle the stuff that involves getting people in trouble. Not really my cup of tea. I leaned against the wall and looked out the window. One day we are going to get that crazy call, and it's going to make me wonder why I'd chosen this job. I still wonder.

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