Chapter 3

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Corbyn POV

We were all once again at the station. Sadly Jonah and Jack weren't. They were still dealing with the case from earlier. An alarm went off and it called for Zach's engine to respond to fire. They called another ambulance, so we did not have to worry. I walked over to see Zach getting ready.

"I swear to god, if you aren't careful," I said. Zach chuckled.

"Relax, I didn't go through training for nothing. This isn't my first," he said as he put on his gloves. I patted his shoulder.

"Where are you heading?" I asked him.

"House fire," he replied as he closed the truck door. My smile fell when they took off.

"Hey, he'll be ok," Corbyn said as he patted my back.

"I know. It's just that it's a house fire. People could be killed in that house," I said as I sat down. Corbyn looked at me.

"Don't get me wrong, that's horrible, but it happens a lot. Death isn't rare," he said as he fixed a bagel.

"It's tough when it's right in the same city that your in," I said. I got up and walked to the ambulance. I started cleaning out the back. You could never do to much cleaning. Another alrm went out requesting another ambulance.

"Ours!" Corbyn screamed. I got in the driver side. Corbyn climbed in and looked at the computer.

"Fire, someone was injured." We started going. It was only 10 miles away.

We were half way there when we got a call on the radio.

"Hey, we got a couple of people with burns. Possibly a Firefighter who may need medical assistance." I sped and pulled up to the scene.

"it's Zach," Corbyn said as he spotted engine 05. Corbyn took people to the back to help them, and I left to get more information.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked. I spotted Avery,

"Hey, where's Zach?" I spotted Avery's worried face.

"He ran into the fire, but he's not out yet. A baby was stuck in there. My heart fell. I took off running to the ambulance.

"Corbyn, it's Zach, he's in the fire. I need all burn equipmetn. Everything!" I yelled. I grabbed an entire droor and went running back.

"What the-" I heard someone yell.

"Is he out?" I asked. Avery shook his heard.

"I'm going in there if no on else does," I said matter of factly.

"Woah there, you don't have the equipment. Plus, it's not safe." I stared at Avery.

"Fine," he sighed. He looked around.

"I'm not supposed to, but I don't care. I'm going," he said as he put on his helmet. 

"Look, I don't want you to-"

"To late, he's my best friend. I was going to do it at some point!" HE ran in and I started pacing. All I can do is wait.

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