Chapter 5

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Daniel POV

I sat in the front drivers seat and I tapped my fingers on the wheel. I was waiting for Corbyn to get out of Chick-fa-la. I saw him smiling as he walked out of the restaurant. HE opened the door and handed me the bags.

"Chicky nuggies!" I shouted. Corbyn chuckled and looked at me.

"Those people were so nice," He whispered as he took a sip of his drink.

"How so?" I asked as I sorted out our food.

"They gave us free food. I didn't have to pay a dime! They were interested, so I told them about our last call. The manager even gave us a coupon, and told us that anytime, we can call and they will deliver food for the whole department!" I choked on my food and gasped.

"What?!" I asked.

"Yeah," he said as he ate his kids meal.

"Those people are legends, absolute heroes," I said as I wiped a fake tear. We both got a 10 piece kids meal, with waffle fries, of course, plus a side of macaroni and cheese. Don't forget the lemonade. Corbyn moaned as he took a bite. I looked at him with disgust. 

"Boy!" I yelled as I hit him with an empty box. He laughed and I cranked up the vehicle, and left. We got to the department and was met with Jonah and Jack.

Jack POV

We watched as Daniel and Corbyn pulled it. Daniel went right to the back and started re-sorting everything. Corbyn walked over to us as he put a chicken nugget in his mouth.

"How's Zach?" Jonah asked. Corbyn held up a finger. He kept it there for a couple of seconds. Jonah tapped his foot. He swallowed his food. Jonah opened his mouth to speak but Corbyn held his finger up and he sipped his drink. He wiped his mouth and made an "ahhhhh" noise.

"So?" Jonah asked again.

"He's great. Just went to the hospital to make sure that he was ok. Plus, the family wanted to see him.

"Good," I said.

"How was yall's day?" Daniel asked as he walked around the truck.

"Great, other than the fact that we had to deal with some of the stupidest things," I replied.

"Nothing different," Corbyn shrugged.

"So, we are done for the day, want to get Zach and head for my place so that we can work on stuff?" Daniel asked. Jonah and I agreed, and we were on our way to leave.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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