He's changed.

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(Oof you guys are gonna hate me-)

Virgil POV

It's been about a week since I got back together with Janus, and things have been great! He's been wonderful, a good boyfriend, but the lights aren't fond of him, which I still don't understand! He is kind and compassionate and loving and loyal. He's great, everything's great. Except for the fact I haven't seen Roman in a while. I've been seeing the lights less and less and since last week I just haven't seen him. He doesn't come to hang out, we haven't had to film any videos, he doesn't say hi, just nothing.
I feel bad about the kiss, I really do. I feel guilty for betraying Janus and guilty for accidentally leading Roman on. I didn't mean it. And... The kiss did feel right, but I know it was wrong. Janus hasn't stopped reminding me of it since.
"Babe!" Janus grins, pulling me inside of his room, whirling me around a bit.
I giggle, smiling softly "Hi Jay. You're not mad at me for being over at the light side a little longer than usual?"
"Mad? Oh nonono how could I be mad?! I'm not mad, don't worry." He kisses my head softly.
I keep smiling, happily staying in his arms as I look around the room, which is a little messier than usual. Janus pulls me over to his bed, which is the one neat thing about this room, made pristine. I think it's cute he's done this for us. He sits me down, pulling me onto his lap and just wrapping his arms around me, holding me close, and I smile more. "Why are you in such a good mood?"
He shrugged "I just am!"
I look around at his messy room, before my eyes land on something green under his desk. "Hey, is that... Remus' sash?"
He follows my gaze, quickly getting up, picking it up and neatly folding it, putting it in a drawer "Oh, yeah, he was round here earlier, it must've fallen off. I'll get it back to him tomorrow."
"Okay" I nod, not thinking anything of it as Janus comes back over to cuddle me. I feel so safe in his strong, secure arms. Like they're a forcefield and nothing can hurt me when I'm being held by him. And I know he won't hurt me. He's changed, he can't. I love him so much more than I ever did, and I know I've made the right decision staying with him.

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