piggy milluki

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Y/n's pov

Killua went to the door and opened it.



'i am very uncomfortable with the energy we've created in the studio today..'

Killua stepped aside so milluki could come in. I got up off the couch to see him.

I bit overweight, black hair and eyes the only thing he had in common with Killua was his pale skin.

Milluki looked around the room and then saw me.

"Ahh kill, is this your girlfriend?" He said while walking closer.

Killua immediately stood in front of me. "Yeah, and she's only mine. Just hack and leave." He said.

"Not my fault she's smoking hot." Milluki said while walking past him. As he was walking past he gave my ass a slap. 'fucking bitch-'

Killua immediately was about to jump on him but I was holding him back which was pretty hard.

"Fat fucker..." Killua growled. "What? There's no harm in a little slap. Now show me the sight." Milluki said.

Killua was still enraged so I told him to sit on the couch to calm down. "I don't have all day." Milluki told us sternly.

I ended up just pushing Killua on the couch and got beside milluki. I sat in the chair and went through all the pages until I got to the one the site was on.

I clicked on the link and got up. "There now do your thing to find who posted it and where they are." I said."sure thing sexy~" it took all my strength not to slap him and to push Killua back on the couch.

"I'm gonna kill him. Let me kill him." Killua mumbled. "No. He's like our only hope." I replied.

Killua crossed his arms in anger. I sat down beside him and layed my head on his shoulder. "You already know I'm never gonna cheat on you dude." I told him.

"Yeah.." he grumbled.

Several position changes and like an hour later we heard milluki say "done".

I sprang up and walked over to him along with Killua. "The guy who posted this is Joseph hopkins. He lives far away, it'd take a day to get there by car. His address is 625 Blockwood street (insert random country, state? idk-)"

"Hm alright" I said. "Thanks" I added. "No problem sugar~" 'oh god he's so delusional he's seeing me as the only thing he eats-'

"Eh yeah.." "Well milluki. Time to go now." Killua gritted through his teeth. "Uh uh uh. You said you'd buy the deluxe (insert waifu) figure."

Killua groaned. "Fine dipshit let's go." Milluki and him got up to the door so I followed.

When we got out side Killua unlocked the car. "Don't break my car piggy" Killua said.

"Piggy??" Milluki scoffed.

I got into the passenger seat while milluki was in the back. Killua started then drove the car to a store which supposedly had this deluxe figure.

When we got inside the store Killua looked around with milluki to find the figure.

When he did, we went to the counter. "This'll be all." Killua said while placing the figure on the counter." "Careful!" Milluki whispered. Killua rolled his eyes.

"That'll be 1000$"

'1-1000-?? For a fucking figure of some girl with big tits-?? Do we even have that much????'

Killua got out his card and swiped. 'is he not fazed by this-??'

"Thankyou for shopping, I hope you have a nice day." The man said and handed Killua back the figure.

"Here." Killua said while handing milluki the figure. Milluki gazed into the figure admiring it. "She's so hot" he drooled.

Killua grabbed my hand and walked out not waiting for milluki. He hurried and started the car and drove as soon as we were in.

"What about your brother-?" "Fuck him." He said.

"Oof okay". When we got back home me and Killua sat down on the couch.

"So, Rachel's been lying. Her dad's been dead for quite some time" he said. "Does this mean no one's looking for him. So that means everyone we met was lying? Even the kidnapper, do you think she bribed them?" I asked.

"Very big possiblity." He responded. "How do we know this joseph guy isn't lying?" "Well, I guess will just have to ask him." Killua told me.

"How?" "By going to Blockwood."

Yayyy I uploaded 😃✌🏼I seriously need to get a schedule of posting here and on Insta- welp here's your daily cake!


Total words: 749

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