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Me and Killua were laying in our bed, making out.

"Your lips are so soft.." he whispered. I smiled and kissed him again. I reached my hand down towards his pants and rubbed his bulge.

I took it out and started rubbing it up and down. He moaned here and there throughout our making out session.

"KILLUA! Y/N Time to wake up!" We both shot out eyes open and looked at the door which rachel and Katie were now standing in.

Luckily there was a blanket over us but the boner was still there.

I saw as Katie's face heat up "R-rachel! I told you to knock first!" Rachel was shocked and just standing there.

"Sorry you guys!" Katie said while dragging rachel out and closing the door.

"Looks like we can't get any privacy anymore.." Killua grumbled.

He pulled up his pants and got out of bed. I was annoyed at rachel for ruining the moment. I got out of bed and walked out the room with Killua.

I saw katie giving rachel a lecture about privacy and to knock which I knew she wasn't gonna listen to.

"Now apologize!" Katie said sternly. Rachel looked at us and she gave me the coldest stare ever and quickly changed it. "I'm sorry guys.. I should've knocked." She said.

"Whatever" I said flatly. "I just didn't wanna waste anytime on not looking for my dad" she told us.

"What do we do, we got nothing so far" Killua pointed out. "We can look on the internet!" Katie chimed. "Good idea" I replied while going to the computer.

I powered it on and went to google. I typed in "mark stewart" and pressed enter.

A bunch of sites were talking about his disappearence and what not. I scrolled down and something caught my eye.

I clicked on the link and a sight popped up. "Mark stewart, went missing may 7th. The last time he was seen was driving a red ferrari on blake avenue."

"Blake avenue. That's where that one lady lives" I said. "Martha" Killua told me. "Yeah, do you think he was going to her party?" "It's a big possiblity" katie said.

"Maybe we should go search that street to see if we see anything that'll help us?" Rachel suggested. "It's worth a shot" Killua replied.

"Aight car time" I said. Rachel and Katie waited while me and Killua put on our shoes. After, we all walked out of the apartment complex and to Killua's car.

"So, Blake avenue, right?" Killua asked as he started the car. "Yeah" rachel answered. 'yEaH' I mocked in my head, cause I was jealous she could sit by him again.

I had my arms folded while pouting silently. Killua looked back at me and smirked. "Jealous?" He mouthed. He motioned for me to come over.

I was confused and leaned over. He leaned in and kissed my forehead. 'huh-' my cheeks flushed red. I immediately jumped backed. 'a forehead kiss-? He's never done that-' "awww! You guys are so cute!" Katie said.

"Right rachel?" She asked. "Oh! Yeah, but we're cuter" she replied and smiled. Killua turned around and started driving. 'he kissed my forehead-' yep, I was still thinking about it.

We were at the street in a matter of minutes. "Well, this'll take a while. We better start looking." Killua told us.

I sighed and started looking. 'gum wrapper... Mountain dew can... Empty bag... Penny...ooh a dollar!' I said and stuck the dollar in my pocket.

'there's literally nothing here .. just a bunch of trash. Like rachel' I said in my head. 'maybe everyone else is having better luck'

            Everyone else's pov

'nothing' katie thought
'nothing' Killua said.

         Y/n's pov(30 mins later)

*Buzz buzz* I looked at my phone and saw a text from Killua. "Come back to the car" I whispered. I put my phone in my pocket and started walking back.

I made my way to the car and saw Killua, katie, and rachel all standing there and waiting.

"Hey guys" I said, more to Killua and Katie than rachel. "Hey, right now we're seeing if we found anything." Killua told me.

I walked up and stood with them. "I just found some trash" I said and showed them all the junk. "I found trash too" katie and Killua said and showed their trash. "I think I actually found something" rachel spoke.

We all turned to her. "Really?" Killua asked. "Yeah, I found this receipt" she replied. "A receipt? What are we gonna use that for" I questioned.

"Not any receipt. My dad's receipt!" She told me. I was surprised. "Show us" I said.

Rachel brought out a receipt from her pocket and showed us. Sure enough, it was her dads. "Latte lovelies? I've heard that before!" I thought for a couple seconds.

"That was the coffee shop I ran to!" I exclaimed. I remember seeing a security camera when I went to see the shops name. "Guys there was a camera! If Rachel's dad went, then there would be footage of him leaving!" I said.

"Yeah! Let's go ask if we can see the footage!" Rachel told me. "Kay let's go" I told them and got in the car.

After guiding Killua to where the shop was we got out of the car. We all walked into the shop and I saw the same girl I saw before.

The girl looked up and looked like she was thinking then looked like she remembered me.  "Welcome back and welcome" she said to me then my friends.

Her eyes lit up and she gasped. "S-sorry for me asking but aren't you rachel stewart?" She asked rachel. "Yeah that's me" rachel smiled.

"What would you like? Its on the house" she said. 'pff lucky' "your security footage" rachel told her. The girl looked confused. "Sure, right this way" she replied and motioned for us to follow her.

We followed her to the back of the shop and into a security room. "Is this for finding your dad" she asked. "Yeah"

"He came here before so we most likely have footage of him" she added. The girl went to the computer and did whatever to get to the file. She played the footage from outside and we saw a man who must've been Rachel's dad leave the store.

It showed him walking to his car which was parked farther to the left so if someone was in the coffee shop they wouldn't be able to see. He went off camera and there was something going on and then we saw the receipt fall, then the wind blew it away.

I was a bit anxious of what happened to him. "My dad doesn't litter..." Rachel said. "He would never drop the receipt, if he did he would pick it up" she added.

"M-maybe we should go home and rest on it." Katie said. "yeah.." rachel responded "thankyou" I told the girl "you're welcome" she replied.

I walked out and they followed. We all made it back to the car and sat in the seats. The atmosphere was weird kinda sad.

We all made it back to our own homes safely. But now, we had to figure out, what happened to Rachel's dad...?

*Takes in breath* GUYS I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN POSTING!! I've been procrastinating since I haven't had any motivation to write the story.. and I didn't wanna try and write it when I didn't want to cause then the story would possibly be bad so I just didn't write. I'm really sorry some things have happened so I kinda avoided you and I really feel bad for it. So next chapter is a smut so enjoy that. Again sorry my children, have extra cake


Total words: 1312

Ugly Little Liar (I only want you sequel) Killua x readerWhere stories live. Discover now