Chapter Thirteen- Both Truths In The Same Night

Start from the beginning

It was a magnificent sight. Rey spun the glowing weapon with such control that before long she could use her legs for kicking and spinning and lift little pebbles from the ground at the same time, she was mastering the force at a speed, Kylo could have been an extraordinary teacher.


"My parents are dead."

"They're not coming back."

"I'm alone."

These were the words that should never have escaped her lips, but one night they did. She was sleeping on her usual bench outside a hut, it had been a grand day of training and she was still smiling from her conversion with Kylo. As she sank into her sleep, the smile faded away and was replaced with terror. The nightmare showed Jakku and her parents, she was speaking what she knew was true, but what she hated to believe.

As her eyes snapped open her mouth shouted the last words she remembered.

"LUKE MADE REN" she screamed the words and then clamped her hands over her mouth. It was the truth. Before she knew it, she was beating the door of Luke's hut and shouting at him to get out.


"What?" Luke threw open the door and his face met Rey's fuming one.

"It wasn't his fault!" she shouted.

"What are you talking about!"

"Kylo Ren, you created him, didn't you? You are the reason Ben Solo is gone, you are the reason the light suffers, you are the reason Han Solo is dead, and you are the reason that Leia is heartbroken from losing her son, partner, and brother. You are her other half, and you are killing her. Did you know she was in a coma for almost a month? No, you didn't, because you are here busy being a coward! Tell me what you did! Why he is gone!" She might have said different words if she wasn't occupied with the thought of avenging Ben Solo. She truly cared for him more than anything.

"He told you then" said Luke.

"He didn't have to" snapped Rey.

"Well then, you didn't find out the whole truth" began Luke. He sighed as he saw Rey's expression unchanging. "When I took in a new generation of Jedi to train, I took in my nephew, Ben Solo. He was strongest, the best, the most focused, but I could sense something different as well. One night as he slept, I went into his room to visit him, he was different then, wearing white like I use to, I was his master, his example, but I failed him. For one miniature moment I saw what he would become, I saw that the darkness had already taken him, as I looked over the sleeping boy a second came when I thought I could save everything. I drew my sabre, but I stopped as I held it above my head. The moment had passed, I looked down, and the last thing I saw was a terrified little boy whose master had failed him. I remember seeing him clenching his fist after he had drawn his blue lightsaber and met mine. He used the force to collapse he room on top of me. He must have thought I was dead, but I came to, and by then Kylo Ren had formed, slaughtered my students, and taken the others." Luke came out of his daydream and was met with Rey, horrified, saddened, and looking almost as broken as Kylo Ren. "But I did not turn him. He had already given in to the darkness."

"No" said Rey. "There was still light in him, Ben Solo was still there, not even that far down, now it pushed down even further. I see Ben Solo deep inside Kylo Ren, he is fighting for breath, and I intend to help him. The question is... will you?"


"I don't like to see you like this".

Kylo's voice was in Rey's mind as she wrapped a blanket around her. She was in one of the stone huts sitting on a log around a fire. She had hardly noticed the force connect the two, and she didn't care.

Rey was still trying to process the thought of Ben being betrayed like that. She wished that the force didn't connect them by the mind, but by the heart so they could sit with each other in person.

"I can't believe he would do that to you" whispered Rey.

"You know then?" Kylo said.

"Yes" said Rey, looking up at Kylo. Water was forming in her eyes.

"Don't go down the same path, Rey. Please don't" Kylo spoke, walking closer from his ship he stood on.

"I thought you wanted me to join you, so we can bring the balance" said Rey.

"I did, I don't anymore. Now, all I've ever wanted... was you" spoke Kylo, it sounded more like Ben.

"Ben, I-" Rey was cut off by the man's head turning at something that had walked into his room. "Ben?"

Kylo turned back around, a new look in his eyes. He had something new.

"I am going to make this right. I promise, Rey. I could never let you down." He spoke.

"Whats happening, Ben?" Rey was starting to panic.

"Snoke was not wrong when he said I had fallen in love, and I don't mind, I'll even say it" Kylo was trying to speed up the conversation. "Rey, I would do anything for you for right now, and I am going to make this alright. Love you Rey."

And with those last heavenly words, the force connection passed, and Rey was breathing as heavily as her heart bled with love.


Hey everyone,

I would just like to say thank you for reading this far, you don't know how much I appreciate it. I know some people may not be allowed to comment or review, but it would really make my week if you dropped me a message in the box underneath. It could be suggestions or guesses to what may happen next with Ben and Rey, even if you just want to say Hi. Please recommend my writing to any of your friends or followers, I know a lot of people say it but it would mean sooo much to me.

Love you all <3

The Minister of Movies :)

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