Juleka finished reading first, she smiled at her brother and snuck a quick glance at (Y/N), who looked just as hopeful as Luka did. Juleka looked at her other bandmates as they finished, noticing Rose getting slightly misty-eyed at the song. 

"It's perfect, Luka! It's amazing!" Rose squealed, jumping up and down in her seat "You have to sing this! (Y/N) have you read this?"

(Y/N) nodded, a goofy grin on their face "He showed it to me while we were on the way here" 

Juleka's eyebrows shot up, realizing how quickly (Y/N) was growing on Luka. This was the first time Juleka wasn't the first one he showed his music to. She smiled at the thought, thinking about how good this is for the both of them. 

Someone in all black walked in wearing a headset, she was tall with skin as white as snow, her hair was long and the same color as the vibrant pink of the blanket covering (Y/N)'s legs. What little visible skin she had from the collarbones down was covered in tattoos. She smiled and tapped her watch "You guys are up next. Good luck!" she spoke quietly before leaving as quickly as she arrived. 

(Y/N) squeezed Luka's hand before he had a chance to get nervous all over again, giving him a reassuring smile when he looked over in surprise. "You can do this" they mouthed as he got up to grab his guitar, shuffling awkwardly into line with the rest of Kitty Section.

Luka fought the urge to look back at the (H/C) haired angel only a few feet behind him. His mind was racing as he imagined what could happen after the concert. What if he messes up and they laugh at him? What if they don't like the song when they hear it all the way through? Why does he care so much what (Y/N) thinks? 

All of these thoughts were quickly put to a halt when he stepped on stage. He was still surprised at how many people come to their shows now. It used to just be a few friends, now the venue was easily fully packed, maybe even a little more full than it should be. He glanced briefly to the side of the stage, seeing (Y/N) there with their mesmerizing smile set of fireworks in his heart and swarm of butterflies in his stomach. 

Everyone picked up their instruments and began to play, putting everyone in the audience into a trance bustling with excitement. Their songs bounced around in terms of themes, but they only got better as they went down the set list. 

As the concert hit a moment of quiet, Luka spotted Marinette, Adrien, and the rest of their class. Juleka noticed too and played the bass guitar just a little louder so nobody could hear Luka's heart pounding as he felt like crying off the makeup his sister worked so hard on. 

He looked frantically around for something else to focus on, anything else. (Y/N) waved just enough to catch his attention, beginning to make silly faces to cheer him up. He smiled and played his guitar with just that much more enthusiasm, thinking about all the songs he wants to write about the angel he just couldn't bring himself to take his eyes off of. 

It came time for him to debut his new song, he fought every urge to run off the stage and took the center. Rose scurried to Luka's spot, grinning like an idiot. 

His voice was mesmerizing, nobody could take their eyes off of him as he poured his heart out on stage. He sang of the deep pain he had been forced to bear, he sang of the hard choice he made to choose to be hopeful anyway. He looked at (Y/N) as he sang about meeting someone new who could take all that pain away. By the time the song was done, Marinette had run out with Adrien and Alya going after her, and Luka left the stage while everyone else played the last half of the set list. 

(Y/N) wordlessly pulled the boy backstage and hugged him tightly, almost as if they were trying to squeeze the broken pieces back together. Luka felt tears pooling into his shoulder, causing him to carry (Y/N) onto the couch and lay (Y/N) on top of him, legs lazily intertwined. He kissed the top of their head and let tears finally from his own eyes. 

"I'm sorry if that put any pressure on you, (Y/N)." Luka murmered after a few moments of comfortable silence. 

(Y/N) shook their head, looking up at him "You didn't put any pressure on me." They said, glancing briefly at his lightly parted lips before shifting their gaze to the loving, worried eyes looking at them.  

Luka quickly licked his lips before speaking again, leaning close and lightly placing his warm, calloused hands on either side of (Y/N)'s face. "I could see myself falling in love with you" he murmured softly, silently begging this relationship doesn't end here. 

(Y/N)'s eyes widened slightly "Really?" They whispered in disbelief. 

Luka nodded, wrapping his arms around theie waist and holding them as close as humanly possible "Really," he said with a small laugh, unable to get over how cute their reactions were. 

"Can we stay like this for a while?" (Y/N) whispered into his chest before looking up at him.

Luka nodded, kissing their face everywhere except their lips, grinning like an idiot as he did so. 

(Y/N) settled into his arms, closing their eyes and eventually falling asleep to the sound of his steady heartbeat. After admiring (Y/N) for few moments, Luka followed suit, falling asleep to the feeling of pure love and the sound of his friends playing their hearts out. All in all, the concert was a huge success. 

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