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Simon had helped Daphne change into a nightgown, and rid of her torn clothes from her attack. He made sure to be careful, moving his hands cautiously and lightly as he touched her, as she was still shaken. The last thing Simon wants is for Daphne to fear his touch, for she experienced the worst of a man this evening. His blood boiled with anger, mostly at Berbrooke, but also at himself, for he should have never let this happen. Further validating his intrusive thoughts about his ability to be the man Daphne deserves. No. I will be better, he thought. I have to, for my wife and our future family.

Daphne was asleep, with her head resting on his chest and one arm draped over his stomach. Ever since she fell asleep in Simon's arms, he had been gently stroking her back and kissing the top of her head, trying to soothe any troubles she may be facing in her dreams. No one would touch her ever again, he will make sure of it. He already has one of his informants looking for the whereabouts of Berbrooke. The outcome was decided, he will die, but the question still remained of how. As much as Simon would love to beat him to the core of the Earth, and do the job himself, Daphne had given him explicit orders during their talk before bed.
"Simon," she said softly, her gaze burning a hole in Simon's heart.

"Daphne," he said back, his eyes searching hers for an inclination as to what they were thinking.
She lowered her eyes, fiddling with the bed sheet, then returned to his gaze and inhaled sharply as she started to let her thoughts pour out. "After tonight, I have come to realize the severity of my actions back at Clyvedon. I know we agreed to do this together, but please let me say this if we are to truly build our life with trust and honesty."

Simon radiated with tension, as he would rather not talk about that night, but he too would like to be able to move on with a clear conscious, so he nodded to let her know she should continue.
"There are no words adequate enough to convey how sorry I am. If you felt even a fraction of the emotions I felt tonight from Ber...Berbrooke," she stuttered, finding it hard to even say his name, and Simon was about to cut her off when she pressed a finger to his lips. Simon lifted her finger off of his lips, and kissed it sweetly, then wrapped her hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Daphne took a deep breath, and continued "I felt so vulnerable... unable to rid of him. When he first kissed my neck, I felt as though I wanted to throw up, and my throat scorched as I stifled my screams. I had truthfully wished he hit me again instead. That would have hurt less." A tear escaped her eye as she directly stared into Simon's eyes, which reflected the pain she felt. "Simon, I realize now more than ever how wrong I was for doing that to you. I am so sorry, and I do not think I have said it as many times as you should have heard it. You have been mistreated by the ones you love all your life, and I will not continue that trend. Please know I will never push you to do anything without your consent, ever. I will never be able to forgive myself, and I understand you taking time away from me if yo-"
Simon had cut her off, and softly said, "How many times do I need to tell you that I am not leaving you for you to believe that? That I love you, and will be yours for as long as you should choose to have me for?" He used his free hand to wipe away her tears and caress her cheek, just as she had done for him earlier this evening.

"Thank you for apologizing, but Daphne, our experiences are a bit different. Yes, I felt taken advantage of and vulnerable, but I was at least enjoying myself before-hand. Not that it changes the hurt I felt, and the severity of it, but Daphne," he paused, thinking of how to put this, "You did not want his advances, the whole thing was assault from start to finish. The pain he put you through is something I will never be able to forgive myself for, as I am to be your protector, and I failed in that tonight. I am partially to blame for this because at the beginning of our ruse, he had approached me demanding I leave you alone and spewing words I would never repeat to you, and I lost control. That is why he told you it was payback Daphne.Which I will be sorry for, for the rest of my life. Please forgive me for all my wrong doings." Simon closed his eyes as he wracked his brain for the right words to say next. He felt wounded, realizing his part in her attack, and desperately wanted to move on from all of this hurt. "I promise to be the man you deserve, even if I do not believe it at times, because you are the moon, the stars and all that shines so brightly. You are the sun of my life Daphne. I can't live without you, and tonight I feared that I may have lost you. All I know is loving you, please don't scare me like that again." He couldn't help himself any longer and pulled Daphne's face to his, crashing their lips together in a frenzy of emotions. His hands explored her hair, while Daphne's ran through his hair and around his neck. She parted her lips, inviting Simon to explore her mouth with his tongue, and he accepted too willingly. Daphne moaned into his mouth, and he reacted with a groan from deep in his throat. It had been too long since they unfolded themselves to each other. But, despite his desires, he knew tonight was not the right time for this. As he planned to spend hours spoiling his wife with pleasure, and tonight she needed to rest after the attack. Reluctantly, he pulled back and they both took steadying breaths, as they were out of it from devouring each other's lips like a starved lover.

"I already have an informant looking for his whereabouts, and then I will deliver the payback that is well deserved. He will be begging me to kill him. No one will ever hurt you again, I am making sure of it."
Daphne was startled at the change in pace from the intense kiss they exchanged, to discussing the death of the man she loathed the most.
"You will not do anything. If anything should happen to you because of me, I am unsure of how I will continue on. Promise me, you will not do anything... at least not you personally. I do not care if you have him handled, but not by you. Like I said, it is you I cannot sacrifice." Her eyes penetrated his soul, and he knew he was beaten, he could not do anything that would worry her.
"I promise my love, but I also do promise that he will be handled for good." His eyes softened, reached for her hand and kissed it gently.
"Come, let's go to bed now."
Simon had regretted agreeing to this promise, as he now sat alone with his raging thoughts. He was distracted from his darkness as he felt Daphne stir not once, but twice, and her body felt flush. She rolled over on to her back, kicking her legs and twisting the sheets in her hands, letting out screams of "no, no, no." Simon's heart started racing seeing her in distress like this, and now he was in a nightmare. He gently shook her shoulder, and whispered her name once, twice, three times until she woke. Daphne's eyes opened frantically, as she took in her whereabouts. Her body was rigid with tension, her forehead filled with sweat and her heart felt like it would beat out of her chest.

"Daphne," Simon whispered.
She jumped, not expecting him to be awake at this hour, and looked to her husband. Relief washed over her as soon as they locked eyes, she was safe in bed with her love. He reached for her hand, and she took it, firmly locking them together.

"Are you okay? He asked, sounding a bit shaken himself. Daphne replayed the nightmare in her mind, and her heart started racing once again. She felt as though she would faint, and tried to catch her breath, but it seemed like she couldn't. Simon started to feel his heart racing as well now, trying to figure out how to soothe and calm her down. Shit. This is what I need to be good at he thought, I need to protect her from the darkness that enters my own mind at times. And then it clicked, he knew exactly what to do. He moved closer to Daphne, and lightly tilted her chin up to kiss him. At first, she did not kiss him back, as she had to pull herself from the panic attack to focus on the present moment. He kissed her deeply, pouring all of his love into it, trying anything that would drown her thoughts away. His lips were the only thing she could focus on now, and her heart rate returned to normal, well normal for kissing Simon, so still not as low as it should be. She kissed him back slowly, but passionately, savouring every inch of his lips. He smiled, and said "Better now?"
She tilted her head and kissed him once more, to thank him. "Infinitely, thank you for being here." Her eyes full of appreciation for her husband.
"No nightmare will get by me your grace, my lips are no match" he chuckled.
"You may be correct, but I may have the perfect match for them right here" and she kissed him once more, with a fierceness she did not intend, but he did not decline.

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