😃flaps 😫

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AN~ Ok so in this fic paul is autistic, don't judge it's a vent post based off of my experiences as an autistic person. It's kinda like a poem because it's like intrusive thoughts and all that neurodivergent shit.

Paul's pov:

Loud. The tv was loud. I dont like loud.

Bright. The lights were bright. I dont like bright.

Itchy. My jumper was itchy. I don't like itchy.

John. John was here. I like John.

I love John.
I love John.

John's pov:

I banged on Paul's bedroom door loudly as to try and grab his attention from whatever be was doing in his room. When I didn't recieve a response I opened the door to reveal a rather distraught paul rocking back and forth like a madman on his plush gray carpet.
Teary hazel eyes gaze up at me tearing my heart into pieces as he continues to flap his arms and rock side to side.

Jim McCartney's pov:

I sighed softly to myself as I reached for the door handle ready to insert my keys when the door swung open. Was someone in the house? Were was paul? Was he hurt? Ir worse.
I grabbed a rolling pin from the kitchen counter and slowly made my way up the staircase looking around for any signs of danger .
Cautiously I raise a shaky hand to open Paul's door when I her a distressed squeal come from inside his room. I barge in only to see non other than Paul's best mate John Lennon, I was confused to say the least. It was a sight to be hold my son in a quivering ball on the floor going red in the face with panic and tear while the brunette rumadged through Paul's vinyl collection in search of a record.

Paul's pov:

Dad. Oh no. Dad was home.

Dad doesn't like John.
I like john.
I like dad.
I love John.
Dad doesn't like me.
Dad doesnt like anyone.
Dad is sad.
I am sad.
I hope john isn't sad.
I made john sad.
John is sad.
I dont like sad.
Dad doesnt like john.
I like john.
I love john.
I love John.

John pov:

The closer his father gets the more panicked paul seems to get. I slowly approach him and ask if I can pick him up he silently nods and allows me to scoop him up bridal style and carry him onto his bed were I rock him and sing to him calmly.
I almost forgot about his father's ever annoying presence when he let's out an abrupt cough startling paul into another fit of terrified flaps and kicks.
Slay guys look at me being an author and all that 🤩😎

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