Chapter 12 - After that Night

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You awake in your messy bed alone the next morning. You were surprised to find yourself in your pajamas even though you don't remember getting changed. Your memory is still a bit foggy but after a few minutes of looking around your room from the middle of your bed, everything that happened last night comes back to you.

You had closed the door of your room to make sure not to disturb anyone else in the house. after that Beej quickly managed to playfully tackle you onto the bed like how a cat would pounce. You laughed quietly as he shuffled slightly over you before kissing you once again.

Your hands went straight for his pink hair, raking your fingers through the dark roots at the back of his head. His scalp was cool from his freezing body temperature, you didn't really mind though, you sort of liked it in a way. You could feel him shiver from your touch, either from your warm hands or the fact he has been starved from human touch for a while.

BJ's frosty bitter tongue tried to sneak into your mouth which made you slightly awkward. You denied his access which made him break away from the kiss as he could sense you had become somewhat uncomfortable.

"You good, babes?" he asks in a half-whisper as he turns his head to the side in a confused state.

"Uh yeah, it's just I..." You mumble, " It's just I've never... well you know."

He arches an eyebrow at you before his eyes open wide with realization before slightly grinning. "That's fine babes, look if you're comfortable just doing this then I don't mind either way," He says as his face inches a bit closer to yours.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just could we go slow?" you ask quietly.

He nods before lowering his mouth back onto yours to kiss you softly. His hands held the back of your neck which sent shivers down your spine. You run your thumb over the brown scruffy stubble on his cheek that scratched your face as he moved his lips against yours.

Beej then began to lean your head back to take the lead and again tried to slip his tongue past your lips, you allowed him this time. It was nice, he was careful as his striped tongue slithered around your mouth. He was in control of the kiss, you preferred that since you hadn't really had much experience in that field.

You continued to both softly and carefully kiss each other for most of the time. You kept having to break every now and again to take a breath which Beej didn't have to do since he was, of course, dead. 

You kissed him until your lips turned blue. You eventually found yourself tiredly snuggled up in Beetlejuice's large hairy arms under the blanket to keep you warm from his frosty touch. Your head rested against his chest, it rose up and down like he was breathing but on lightly in a strange inhuman way. What was stranger was how his chest was completely hollow, you heard no heartbeat or anything.

"Why me?"

"Huh?" you look up at Beej.

"Why... I mean look at me, I'm not exactly anyone's first pick?" He explains.

"I... I don't know, I guess I just wanted to? I you," you tiredly laugh through your nose.

Beej gives you a quiet hearty smile as he presses his nose against yours. you yawn tiredly as you curl up closer to him.

"Crap Lyds is gonna kill me," Beej says quietly as he remembers his deal.

You snicker tiredly, "Guess we'll just not have to tell her." You shiver against him as you hear the rain still pattering on the window before you begin to doze off to sleep.

You got changed out of your pajamas into something more casual and comfortable since it seems to be another cold rainy day today. You had an almost permanent smile on your face from last night, it was weird. After everything that had happened, you were certain that you were falling for Beej.

But what did this mean now? did he like you? He could've just kissed you in an attempt for sex. He definitely had the mindset to try that but he didn't even get past first base last night. Even if he did like you the same way, does that mean you should start dating? If Lydia found out he would instantly get sent to the Neitherland or Natherworld or whatever it was called. 

As you lost yourself in the many thoughts that were caused by everything of last night's events, you found Lydia making herself breakfast in the kitchen.

"Oh hey, Lyds, whatcha making?" You smile as you walk up to the short dark-haired girl.

"Just some buttered toast, was probably going to watch a movie with Adam and Barbara. Wanna join us?" She asks as she picks up her plate of toast.

"Oh sure, I'll join you in a minute. I was just wondering if you knew where Beej was?" You ask her.

"Nope. Why don't you just call his name 3 times?" She offers.

As you remember that was one of the strange things that came with his, now broken, curse. You were confused when you didn't find him next to you in bed this morning but you guessed he just went off to spook people in town behind Lydia's back. You wanted to talk to him but for some reason now you became anxious and awkward to talk to Beej. You were scared that maybe he regretted everything or only did it for sex reasons.

"Uh um nevermind, I'll just talk to him later," You explain to Lydia.

"Okay well we're watching the movie in the living room, come on," Lydia says as she leads you out of the kitchen to find Adam and Barbara sitting on the living room couches.

You sat down next to them as Lydia went through what movies to watch. You weren't really paying attention to what she was saying since you didn't really mind whatever film she picked. you were more curious about the whereabouts of BJ. You were becoming anxious over it even though there wasn't anything to really be anxious about. 

You snapped yourself back into reality as Lydia pressed play on the movie and you tried to just relax and enjoy the film as you heard the rain begin to pour outside which only made you think of last night again. Where is he?

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