Chapter 2 - The Deetz House

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You walk up to the door of the Deetz's home as you dragged your small suitcase behind you up the few steps to the nice wooden porch. But before you could even lift your finger to press the doorbell, Delia opened the door and smiled at you.

"Y/N! thank the stars your here! We were just about to go," Delia said dragging her large purple suitcase out, probably full of weird crystals and other crap.

Charles walked out behind her, "I've left money for groceries on top of the fridge. Make sure Lydia doesn't get a hold of it and try to keep her out of trouble."

You nodded at them before saying goodbye as you watch them drive off in a cab to the airport and walk into the huge white suburban house. You put your jacket onto the coat hanger next to the door and pulled your suitcase through the house as you admire the inside of the large home.

You looked at a few of the framed pictures that decorated the crisp dark wallpaper. Some were of Lydia and her family, others were of dead trees and landscapes or just cheap paintings you'd find in a second-hand store. You smiled at them as you wandered through the house.

"Y/N," You turn around to find Lydia giving you a small simple smile with her arms crossed over her dark black dress. 

"Hey kiddo, ready to have tons of fun?" you ask her with a small laugh and a grin. she rolls her eyes and smiles back.

"Here, let me show you your bedroom," She says as she leads you through the hall into an old guest room. It was quite basic looking, with white walls with grey curtains and carpet. the simplicity of it gave it a calming feel, which was nice and relaxing.

You lift your suitcase onto your bed before turning around and smiling at Lydia. "So what do you wanna do?" You ask her.

"We can go play video games or watch a movie," She offers. You nod as you follow her around the house to her room.

Lydia's room was black and dark, exactly what you expected and just the way she liked it. You sat on her messy bed as she began shooting bad guys in a violent bloody video game that she was probably too young to even play. She didn't even seem like the type to play video games, with her gothic style of dresses and all.

You looked around her room as your eyes dart towards a framed photograph on her desk.

You walk over to it and pick it up. It was a picture of Lydia being hugged by an older man with sunglasses on. He had pale skin and a stumbled face along with dark brown hair that faded into electric green tips. They looked happy, unlike Lydia's usual bored-looking expression.

"Who's this?" You ask her as you point at the photo.

"Oh, that's my... uncle. You'll probably meet him soon, He tends to come around when dad's gone," Lydia replies, not looking away from the TV screen.

You sit back on the bed, continuing to watch as Lydia plays the gory video game.

Eventually, you both watch a horror movie after you get bored of video games. You wince and look away from the screen with a mouth full of popcorn as the TV screen gets splattered with blood before the credits roll. Lydia didn't even look away once, she was immune.

You tell her goodnight before you walk to your bedroom and get dressed in your pajamas. You felt weird though as if someone was watching you. To add on top of that, you could hear weird muffled voices come from the attic. That's strange, you think.

You manage to convince yourself that it's nothing and slowly drift off to sleep.

You had gone out to walk through the small suburban town called Winter River that was your childhood home to get some fresh air. Everything felt different yet it was weirdly familiar. Today was a bit windy so you decided it was best to put of a jacket and try to find a local coffee shop or cafe whilst Lydia was staying at home since she was busy.

It was still pretty early in the morning yet the town was already full of people walking through the streets. You turn the corner of the street as a large gust of cold wind blew the hair out of your tired face. You opened your eyes to find yourself looking at a bricked-off area with a large gate out front.

You recognized this place instantly, the one part of town you'd probably never forget. You could feel your breath quicken as adrenaline pulsed through your veins before you read the sign:

The Cemetery.

You let out a deep breath, not today.

You turned your head as you walked down the street to continue your search for a coffee shop.

You managed to find a small local cafe after a few minutes of wandering and got yourself a hot coffee to wake you up and also bought one of the cold shitty pastries because you couldn't be bothered to make your own breakfast. As you left the warm cafe you quickly rushed off to make sure Lydia wasn't setting the house on fire or worse.

Little did you know of the person you were about to meet.

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