Chapter 10 - A Ghost's Guide to Being Romantic

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(A/N: Thought it would be cool to write a chapter in a different character's perspective, so here you go!)

Adam Maitland was calming reading on his dusty old armchair in the attic. Barbara was off doing something around the house whilst Lydia and Y/N were hanging out. It was early in the afternoon and it was quiet and relaxing in the attic. 

little did he know of the perverted demon standing an inch away from the side of his face.


Adam jumps out of his seat as his glasses almost fly off his face before staring wide-eyed at the cackling gremlin that caused his fright.

"Beetlejuice..." He grumbles in an annoyed tone as he glares at Beej.

"Gee Adam no need to be so tense," Beej giggle as he leans against the armchair and gives Adam a 'seductive' glance.

Adam just rolls his eyes and sits on the chair to go back to his book. Beetlejuice quit his laughing and peered at Adam's book from behind the back of the chair as he thought about what he was going to say next.

"AAAAdam..." He says in a childish tone, sort of like how kids would complain when they were bored. He rested his chin on Adam's shoulder from behind the chair.

"What?" Adam keeps his eyes on his book to not give the demon much attention, he was clearly getting more annoyed and was surprised he could ever tolerate Beej in the first place.

Beetlejuice hesitates before replying, "...How do you know if you like-like someone?"

"What?!" Adam turns around and looks at Beej. He was surprised but also extremely curious.

"Do you like someone?" Adam said in a confused whisper.

Beej's hair went pink at the tips and his face when red underneath the scruffy stubble. "Just answer the question, Adam, jeez."

Adam could tell by his embarrassed flushing face that he definitely DID have a crush on someone, Which was very strange for Beej. Sure, Beetlejuice was a huge perv and has probably had crushes in the past, but still, it was unlikely. Especially with Lydia's rule not to flirt with anyone, Beej has surprisingly not really liked or had sexual relations with anyone, except he was obviously a masturbater and enjoyed flustering Adam every now and then.

He gave a simple smile at BJ's uncomfortable flustered state, "well uhh, I guess you just know. it's like a weird feeling you get when you're around them. It's hard to explain but it's a good feeling."

BJ's eyes widened in child-like wonder as he began to make a realization, maybe I do like-like Y/N.

"So, who's the lucky person?" Adam's smug look broke Beej's thoughts.

"Oh yeah, Their Last name's Business, First name's None ya," Beetlejuice replied smiling as Adam rolls his eyes once more.

"Seriously, Who is it?" 

"Can't tell you. Lydia might kill me again, You know here deal," Beetlejuice says.

 "Anyways, Adam," Beej grabs Adam's shoulders and stares at him with a serious face, "I need you to teach me how to be romantic."

"Write them a letter?"


"Give them flowers?"


"Cook dinner for them?"

"Do you want me to burn down the house?"

Beej and Adam were going through many MANY different options to try swoon a person. Adam turned down Beej's sexual offers for how to be romantic, whilst Beej just found whatever Adam thought was romantic boring and cliche.

Beetlejuice was sitting on the creaky floor of the attic whilst Adam was still slouching into his armchair.

"It would be a hundred times easier if you just told me who it was!" Adam yelled.

"NO." Beetlejuice crossed his arms as he scrunched up his face in annoyance.

"What's going on in here?" at that moment Barbara walks in with a perplexed expression, she closes the door behind her and looks at the two of them.

"Adam is teaching me to be romantic," Beej says. This only makes Barb look even more confused at the pair, Adam just gives her a tired neutral expression.

"what about music? Like, play them an instrument or something?" Adam yawns to BJ.

"Don't be an idiot Adam. It's not like we're in a musical or something, pfft," Beetlejuice rolls his eyes before giving a knowing wink at the reader.

"I think music is actually not a bad idea," Barbara says, "who are we teaching Beej to be romantic for?"

"He won't tell us," Adam says.

"Take them to a movie?" Barbara offers. 

Beetlejuice thought for a bit, "Not bad, but I think we could do better."

Barbara thinks for a bit, Adam seems to have given up and just stared at them through his glasses with half-lidded eyes.

"Do they enjoy your company?" Barbara asks looking down at BJ.

"Pfft, are you kidding? Definitely! She- THEY love my company..." Beej quickly corrects himself to make sure he wasn't giving away the identity of the mysterious crush.

"well then just hang out with them, if they like your company then just be yourself," Barbara smiles as Beej just stares at her slightly confused, "Now go bother someone else, your annoying Adam."

Beetlejuice lets out a short sigh before getting up off the dusty floor and smiling. He walks over to thank Barbara's help with a short hug though he couldn't help himself sliding his hands down to her waist.

"Lawrence B. Shoggoth. If you touch my ass, I will kill you myself," Barbara says sternly.

"Right Right Right, See ya Barb," Beej says as he lets go before turning around and lowering his gruff voice to sound more seductive, "See ya adam." He winks before snapping his finger and disappearing in a poof.

"Got any idea who it could be," Barbara turns to her husband who was barely awake on his armchair with awful posture.

"Not a clue."

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