Chapter 11 - Talking

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You were sitting in the middle of your bed listening to music on your phone. It was now around 8 pm, you could see from the dark cloudy sky outside your window. The room was lit up by the lamp on your bedside table and a few fairy lights you had put up around the room.

you turned off your lamp since you were about to hit the hay and try to get some extra sleep but the sound of something knocking on your window stopped you. You hop off your bed in curiosity as you make your way to the dark window and open it.

You poke your head outside as you feel a quiet breeze blow your (h/c) hair sideways. That's weird, you arched an eyebrow as you find nothing that could've caused the knocking on your window. You lean your head further out of the window to try to get a better look. You decide to give up and head back inside but before you could close the window...

"BOO!" You shrink your head back as you find Beetlejuice snickering in his gruff voice outside your window floating upside down. You sighed in annoyance before smiling. 

Beej spins around upright as he grins at you, you notice his eyes glowing brightly at you widely like a pair of cat's eyes reflecting light.

"Hiya Babes," He smirked which made his tangled hair flush green, "Did I spook ya?"

"You're such an idiot," You laugh as you playfully push him backward by his shoulders.

"Come out here, You gotta see this," He says as he nods his head upwards to gesture towards the roof. He holds out his hand which you take without a second thought.

He floats up to the roof as he tugs your arm upward and quickly catches you to carry you up bridal style. You were unsurprised to find that his hand had slid down to your ass. He plops you down onto the tiled roof and floats down next to you. 

"Woah," Your eyes dart up to the sky. from your bedroom window you could only see a dark ocean of clouds that shielded any sight of the actual night sky, but from the top of the roof, there was a small patch of sparkling sky that was devoid of any clouds covering it. Among the dazzling stars was a bright circular beaming moon that was tinted a slight yellow color.

"Pretty, ain't it?" Beej says. you look back at him, his eyes still shining under the moonlight.

"It's amazing," You say in a hushed voice. You look back up at the moon with a smile before the dark clouds began to overtake it and shield its light. As you watch the stars and small patch of sky disappear from sight, you notice how silent everything is.

You let the silence settle in instead of trying to break it, Beej didn't seem to mind but you quickly became uncomfortable by how quiet it was.

"My dad used to take me stargazing on nights like this."

"Huh?" Beej looks over to you as he leans on his elbow.

"My dad used to take me on crazy long hikes up these huge hills just so we could get the best view of the sky, away from all the street lights and all. It was always a tiring walk but it was always worth it," You chuckle quietly in a sad demeanor, "He loved this place."

"'Loved'?" He questions whilst putting a hard emphasis on the 'd' to show he was questioning the past-tense of the word. 

You sighed as you wrapped your arms around your knees and stared off into the dark distance of the night.

"My dad died 5 years ago in a car accident," You explain quietly, "My parents divorced when I was 15 and I moved away with my mom a little later after the divorce to Ohio to get as far away from Connecticut and that's where she met Trent. My dad died a year after that, I barely saw him after we moved  and Trent didn't let me even go to his funeral."

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