Chapter 8 - the Explanation

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"And after I killed my demon mother with a ghost-eating snake whilst dressed as a cowboy, that's when I decided to leave and take my own path," Beetlejuice says as if it's a normal thing to bring up in conversation with a neutral expression.

"As you do," Adam said sarcastically from where he was sitting.

 You stared at him stunned, You were already surprised to find that BJ actually stood for Beetlejuice, His middle name that he was cursed to not say but everyone else referred to him by. 

"And then you came back a week later begging me to say your name 3 times again so people could see you again and you could use your powers cause you were lonely as a normal ghost," Lydia adds, slightly in an attempt to tease Beetlejuice.

"Whatever, that's not important. What's important is that I now have my powers back and I am visible to everyone, but that doesn't explain how you can see the Maitlands," BJ says.

You recognized how you found the Maitlands familiar after you heard their names. Barbara and Adam had lived in the Deetz household before they died and you knew them when you were younger as your parent's friends and they had babysat you a few times when you were just a baby. That was the most you knew about them but it still sent a shock of fear up your spine to find the dead couple standing right in front of you.

You're speechless after the long tale Lydia and Beetlejuice just told you. It was hard to believe but it made sense, BJ's cold dead touch, his hollow heart, his gross mold-covered pale skin, his mood color-changing hair, his sharp jagged teeth were all evidence that pointed to the fact that he wasn't alive at all. He was in fact very very dead.

He used to be a lonely invisible earthbound demon, but after Lydia killed him after marrying to make him alive, What the hell?, He quickly became recently deceased.

"I guess she's just strange and unusual?" Lydia offered with a dark eyebrow raised.

"She seems pretty normal to me," Barbara points out in her silky smooth voice, she could whisper a baby to sleep with the calming way she spoke. You were still processing everything that you just heard, This is crazy! I'm seeing dead people! What the fuck!? Your head was echoing, this was unreal.

"You okay, babes?" Beetlejuice stares at you, he notices your quiet confusion.

"Uh I- I don't know. I mean you're DEAD! this is insane," You tell him, "I mean it makes a lot of sense, well not really, I- I don't know..."

You notice his hair had turned to an uncomfortable mustard yellow yet he gave you a sympathetic smile. You smile back at him uncomfortably, you didn't know how to feel.

"I-I think I'm going to head downstairs," You say awkwardly in a strained sort of voice. Nobody tries to stop you, they knew you were uncomfortable and confused.

It was later that same day, a bit later in the afternoon probably, You didn't bother checking the time. You end up finding yourself staring out the window as harsh rain pattered against the glass. You sat on a plain wooden chair between the blank curtains. You managed to gather your thoughts as you rest your elbows on the window sill feeling relaxed by the calming noises of the wet weather outside.

Your room was dark since you don't feel bothered to turn on the lights. It was nicer that way anyway. Everything was nicer when you were alone, you could process your thoughts easier and you could get rid of any uncomfortable or bad emotions.

Even the insane understanding that the man that you happened to have a small stupid crush on was a dead guy, the heavy rain sounds manage to drown out the weirdness about it and help you process it, even if it was still completely insane.

You quickly got thirsty and decided to head downstairs for a glass of water. as you head down the stairs into the kitchen to pour a cool drink, you spot a figure sitting cross-legged in front of a large window in the next room.

You walk into the room as you sneak up on the person at the window as you end up noticing a familiar mess of green hair upon their head.

"relaxing isn't it?" Beetlejuice says as he notices you are behind him, his eyes not moving away from the foggy window.

You hesitate before replying, "Yeah."

He glances at you slightly as you just stand behind him, unsure what to do. You were a bit awkward.

"So is there a reason your staying up this late or can you not sleep?"


"It's almost midnight."

You stare back at him in disbelief. You pull out your phone to show that it was 11:36 pm. 

"I guess I just lost track of time," You tell him. It goes quiet for a short bit again before you decide to join him by the calming noise of rain and shuffle next to him. You smiled at him before sighing.

"Look BJ- uh Beetlejuice," you correct yourself, "Back on the roof last night, I-you- I didn't know what I was doing, I-"

"I understand, babes, don't worry 'bout it," Beetlejuice cuts you off before you start to ramble about your embarrassment. He simply gives you a soft smile.

You can't help but smile back at his scruffy face. You feel the guilt and embarrassment of the problem fade away. You both stay like this for a short while that feels like an eternity, you stare into his greenish amber eyes as your pounding heart echoes through your veins.

You quickly catch yourself in the moment and look back at the rain before you make another mistake. You both just stare at the windy cold outdoors on the opposite side of the window. It was odd seeing Beetlejuice being calm and relaxed. it was nice. everything was calm.

"Also, Why the hell did you marry a minor?" you break the silence to watch his eyes shoot open wide becoming flustered as his green hair gets taken over by a wave of uncomfortable yellow.

"UH- IT WAS A GREENCARD THING! I SWEAR-" He rushes to defend himself and you softly laugh at him losing his cool so quickly. He glares at you whilst sticking his striped tongue out at you, another weird feature he has. You shuffle closer to him, your legs now touching. You expected him to tense up but he didn't seem bothered at all.

You yawn tiredly as you shut your sleepy eyes closed before you look back at Beetlejuice through half-lidded eyes.

"You should go get some sleep, dollface," He tells you. You were about to protest about not being tired but he simply just clicks his fingers and you find yourself no longer sitting at the window and instead you were in your bedroom. You felt slightly dizzy after Beetlejuice makes you teleport into your room with his powers, yet you managed to find your balance pretty quickly.

BJ was standing at the entrance of the door in front of you. "Goodnight, Y/N," He smiles.

"Goodnight, Beetlejuice," You smile back at him as you notice the very tips of his green hair were fading a light pink. You close the door to your bedroom before turning around and leaning your back against the door.

Oh no, you realize the bigger problem that you have made for yourself. No longer was this a small stupid crush you think would go away after a while, You were now sure that you had a big stupid crush on BJ. 

You were beginning to fall for him.

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