S4 E13.1: Whatever Comes Next

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Brayden's POV

Hey. What does that mean? Deion doesn't speak to me for a year, and now he finally does, and that's all he has to say? It's so enigmatical it hurts.

For at least five minutes—the exact duration is lost on me—I consider my response. Type, delete, retype, delete, stop. Think. What does one say in this situation? Who else has been texted by their distance-torn soulmate after months of grimacing silence?

Eventually, I conclude that any possible response I could type would simply fall short of what I want to say yet also be too large a reply to just a one word hey. So I lock my phone and collapse on my bed, deciding to push this plot to another day.


Wyatt's POV

Someone has a kazoo, and it's cutting above all the other noise in the cafeteria, but I try to ignore it and just listen to Cody talk with his mouth half-full from the other side of the table next to Jake.

"Wanna go to the zoo and try to break into the gorillas' area after school?"

Jake drops his granola bar instantly, shouting, "Yes!"

"I can't," I reply. "I'm hanging out with Hiral."

"Dude!" Cody groans.

I curl another rice noodle through my fork and ingest the bite.

Jake shakes his head. "Never thought you'd pick your girlfriend over us, since you always complained when we did that."

I swallow the noodles half in-tact, needing to argue this immediately. "Girlfriend? Hiral's not my girlfriend. Why would you think that?"

"Dude," Jake grumbles, "everyone thinks that. You hang out with her all the time."

"Yeah, 'cause she's my friend."

"Okay, man. Then you should tell everyone else that," Jake responds.

Jake picks up his granola bar and starts munching again, done with the topic. I glance down at my food but can't eat any more of it.


Wyatt's POV

My phone's buzz mixes in with the clitters and rumbles of my video game, turning into sound sludge, so it takes me a moment hear it. When I do, I find a place to pause where I'm not about to be attacked by a giant radioactive spider, and I check my phone, seeing a notification from Hiral.

Hiral: Where are you?

Me: Felt sick. Had to go home.

No, I didn't. That's a lie.

Hiral: Oh.I hope you feel better.

A few seconds of her typing.

Hiral: But you could've told me rather than left me waiting at school for you to meet me so we could walk together to my place.

Me: Yeah. Sorry.

Okay, yeah, was this a shitty thing to do? Yeah. Am I a jerk? Probably. Definitely. Yes, absolutely, this is a jerk thing to do, but I didn't know what else to do, because I don't want to hang out with her if she thinks we're dating, and I don't want to tell her that I don't want to hang out with her if she thinks we're dating, so, like, what do I do?

She must think I'm a jerk too, because she types for a minute, but then the dotted bubble disappears, and my stomach twists worse than when a radioactive spider was eating my arm earlier. Soon I realize she's not gonna respond at all, so I lock my phone again, but I feel too guilty to just start playing my game again.

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