Chapter 9:

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Nino pulled Alya aside from the group of their classmates that were surrounding Lila. Lila had claimed that Ladybug had broken her hand, but she didn't have a cast on. None of their classmates noticed since they were too focused on making sure that they did everything for her.

"Alya, I have something to tell you..." Nino started.

"Can you hurry it up. I have to go make sure Lila's okay." Alya urged.

"I can't be with you anymore." Nino had said.

"Ok, yeah." Alya said, going away towards Lila. Nino, knowing that she didn't listen, walked away. It took Alya a few steps before what Nino said registered in her brain.

"Nino wait!" She called out, running towards him. When she got there, she went in front of him. "What do you mean you can't do this anymore? Are you breaking up with me? Why?" She asked.

Nino sighed. "Alya, when's my birthday?" Nino asked, trying to prove his point.

"November 14th. Why are you asking me this and not answering any of my questions?" Alya answered.

"Because that's not my birthday. That's Lila's birthday. I don't want to be with someone who can't even tell me something about me that the average person knows." Nino told her. He walked away, relieved he had done that.

Alya, who was watching Nino's back as he walked away, had tears in her eyes. But she couldn't cry right now. Lila was more important right now than she was. She would just have to let it out later. Right now, she has a best friend to console. She could cry about being single later.

"Marinette, I finally did it." Nino said, speaking towards his phone.

Nino's phone was propped up on his desk. He was on a Facetime call with Marinette.

Marinette smiled at her childhood friend. "That's great."

"So, how is it living with a former miraculous holder?" Nino asked, generally curious.

"I can already tell he's Sass's former holder. He can know everything about anything before it happens and no one knows where he is when he isn't directly in front of you." Marinette answered.

"Does he live with anyone else?" Nino asked.

Marinette nodded. "There's Mr. Bruce, who I have yet to meet, Reichard, who insists on being called Dick, Jason, and Damian."

Nino snickered. "Why would he want to be called that?" Nino asked.

"Apparently it's a nickname for those whose name is Richard." Marinette answered.

There was a knock at the door on Marinette's side. "Angel, dinner's ready."

Nino looked at Marinette and smirked. "Angel?"

Marinette flushed. "Gotta go. Bye." She ended the phone call.

Nino, when the call ended, smiled. He knew Marinette wouldn't make friends with someone who would end up like their class anymore. So maybe this person was someone who could make their ladybug happy.

Marinette came out of her room and went beside Damian, her face still red.

"Are you okay? You're a bit red." Damian asked.

Marinette shook her head. "No. I was on a call and something was embarrassing." She answered, not looking at him.

Damian nodded and led her to the dining room.

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