Chapter 25

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Marcus let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding and leaned against one of the tables. He was glad he had run into Jana, Cas's girlfriend, and been able to convince her to come with him. He felt bad about asking her for a favor when this was the first he'd seen her since Cas had been gone. Especially a favor that made her act like his girlfriend.

"You okay?" asked Jana.

"Yeah. I'm sorry to have asked you to do that," he answered.

"It's fine really. I'm more shocked than anything. In the time I've known you, I'd only ever seen you care about Cas," her voice cracked slightly when she said his name.

"I miss him too," he gave her a quick hug, "I assure you though, he's really important to me too. Thank you, really, for helping me save him for now."

Jana nodded, he sat with her in the empty room until she had gotten her tears under control. They talked about Cas a little more but mainly sat in silence, then they went back to the main ballroom.


When he arrived home it was late, he had seen Severine's car out by the curb so knew he was home as well. He went to his room to change and grab his towel. He had just gotten out of the shower when he heard it:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Oh no he thought here we go again. He wasn't really surprised though, Severine had stayed with his father last night and he had seen how mad his father was after their dance tonight. He headed to his room and dressed quickly. He heard Severine call out a couple more times. He walked down the hallway to Severine's room. Severine had rearranged it so it took his eyes a moment to find his bed in the dark. He saw it pushed against the far wall, walking over to it he saw Severine on the edge almost ready to fall off. He was breathing rapidly and shaking. He was tired from the night's events and knew if he woke Severine up he wouldn't be able to sleep well, but he couldn't just leave him.

"Sev. It's a bad dream again. It's not real. You're okay," he whispered close to his ear.

Severine shook and whimpered. It was always the whimper that was the hardest part of the nightmares for him to hear. He remembered how difficult it had been to wake Severine up last time but that after he had slept on the floor the nightmares didn't return. He made a split second decision he hoped he wouldn't regret later.

He gently picked Severine up and scooted him closer to the wall until there was enough room for him to lay down beside him. Severine had turned in his sleep and was facing him now, he was still shaking, he put his arms around him and pulled him close to his chest. Whispering in his ear over and over again that it was alright, it was just a bad dream, he was safe, until he finally heard Severine sigh and felt him relax against him. He kept whispering and holding him until he fell asleep as well.

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