Chapter 24

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Severine picked up the package and headed to his bedroom. He knew what would be in it, there was only one reason he would receive a package. Opening the box his suspicion was confirmed, the ball. He sighed, he did not want to go but knew it was required. Furthermore, he knew his father would demand he come home so they could arrive together. He hung up the tuxedo so it wouldn't get ruined and pulled the mask from the box. It was pretty, almost full faced but not quite, there was a small triangle missing from the top left-hand corner that reached almost to the eye. It was white with teal colored flecks and a silver filigree pattern. He placed it on top of his dresser along with the invitation stating where and when the ball would be held this year. It was never held in the same place twice.

Later that night Marcus came into his room to borrow some manga, he had never been into it before but he had convinced him to try and read a couple of volumes and he had liked it. He saw him eye the mask on the dresser but he didn't say anything.


The week passed by in a blur for him. The anticipation of the first ball and having to go home had his nerves on edge. There had also been a couple of scheduled jobs but Blitz had never shown for any of them. On top of that, he was still concerned about Marcus, by the time Thursday came back around he felt exhausted.

"I'm going to be gone tomorrow night and back late Saturday," he told Marcus at dinner Thursday night.

"Okay, that's fine. Thanks for letting me know." Marcus said.

"Will you be okay?" he began, "I mean I know you're not a child. I just meant because of um, you know everything. I can not go and stay if you want me to," he finished lamely.

He saw Marcus smile sadly, "Thanks Sev, I'll be fine by myself. I actually have something I have to do Saturday too so I'll be busy. Don't worry about it."

He nodded as Marcus left the room. He knew there was a slight distance between them but still, he hated the thought of leaving Marcus alone. As of Saturday, it would have only been a week and four days since his brother had passed away. He didn't look nearly as lost as he had for the first couple days after he had found out, but he would catch him out of it every so often. Yesterday morning he had been standing at the sink doing dishes and hadn't even been doing them; he had just watched the water fill and overflow in a cup for about five minutes until Severine couldn't handle seeing it anymore, telling him to go to the living room he would take care of it. He knew these things took time but he also knew the first couple weeks after losing someone it was important to have people there for you and he wanted to be that person for Marcus.


Severine sat at the table aware that his father was watching him closely, monitoring his behavior. He had been given a long speech last night and again before they arrived at the ball on how his father expected him to act tonight. People were dancing and laughing together, he knew he should be socializing more but couldn't bring himself to do it. He was too busy thinking about Marcus and wishing he was curled up on the couch watching a movie with him at the apartment. Although he wasn't one hundred percent sure that would be happening. Marcus's actions were out of character for him recently and it was bothering him more than it should have. He didn't feel like it was just grief, he had a sinking feeling that it had something to do with him, although he wasn't sure why.

He was startled from his thoughts when a figure with a red and white mask stopped in front of him. He held out his hand indicating he wanted Severine to dance with him. He was shocked, he glanced around quickly thinking the man had made a mistake, but it was clear he hadn't. Through the mask, he saw the man's eyes light up with a smile. They were beautiful chocolate colored eyes that seemed familiar to him although he couldn't place why. Feeling slightly embarrassed he took the man's hand and let him lead him to the dance floor.

Severine grabbed the man's hand tighter, now that he was on the dance floor he was nervous and could feel other's eyes on him, especially his father's. The song started and he heard a sound like a saw and smiled, it was We Don't Have to Dance by Andy Black. It was one of his favorite songs and the agency would normally never play anything like this so he wondered briefly how it had made it on the playlist. They stood side by side for a moment then the man led him in a small arc, they both placed their opposite hand behind them in a type of bow.

After the bow, he let the man lead, they were dancing a quick waltz. He was familiar with the steps because everyone from the agency had to learn it for the purpose of the ball. He let the man lead him around the floor in the graceful steps of the waltz, it was his favorite dance to perform. Even though he didn't know the man, being with him felt reassuring and familiar. He let himself get lost in the steps of the dance and the song, he hadn't felt this free in a while. He was completely oblivious to everything around him except how well he moved with the man. The dance ended all too soon, he was surprised at how breathless he felt and how much he was smiling. He heard applause and looked around the room, thankful the mask was hiding the full extent of his embarrassment.

The smile faded and all the happiness drained from him when he caught his father looking at him. His father's mask was only half faced and the half that wasn't covered was fuming. He quickly bowed to his partner, not wanting to be rude, and bolted from the ballroom. He knew his father was going to follow him and he wasn't looking forward to what was going to come next.

There was an empty ballroom three doors down from the one he had just exited. He slipped quietly inside, the music from the occupied ballroom down the hall was loud enough that any voices heard from within this one would be greatly muffled. Not long after he got inside the door swung open and slammed shut but the latch didn't catch and it stood slightly ajar.

"What the hell were you thinking?" his father hissed.

He was grateful for the mask and darkness of the empty room. His father wouldn't be able to see his trembling or flinch.

"I didn't want to be rude...." Severine started.

"Stop talking!" his father boomed.

He took several steps back. He didn't think his father would touch him when anyone could come in, but he also wouldn't put it past him if he was angry enough. His father took a step closer to him and he shut his eyes preparing himself for a blow, he's angry enough he thought to himself. Just then the door burst open and the masked man entered with a girl attached to his arm.

"Oh, I didn't realize this room was occupied. Looks like we will have to go somewhere else," he said looking at the girl.

His father put on his public face and replied, "We were just leaving. It's all yours."

He put his head down and obediently followed his father out of the room, he paused outside the door and before it shut he thought he heard the girl mumble they had probably made it just in time.

"We will finish this discussion when we get home," his father stated.

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