Band AU

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Tom has always dreamed of being in a good band.  He practiced his bass for hours every day,  working his fingers numb. Yet he never was able to be accepted into more than some mediocre bands and bar jobs.  Tord on the other hand made it big with his singing. He was on labels and would go on tours quite often.  He had to leave because of this, moving away from all his friends,  including Tom. Tord had always loved Tom, for one reason or another.  He just didn't know how to say it so instead he teased the other which led to fighting.  However,  he finally figured out how to confess. During his tour to London he stood on the stage,  dedicating a live song he wrote to Tom. He made sure to say who it was to before signing it,  praying his old friend would hear it.  Of course edd and Matt had come to the concert,  Tom agreeing to go with them. Tom didn't exactly hate tord, he saw it as simply a fun competitive friendship.  Though he never expected tord to say what he was singing now.  Slowly Tom made his way through the large crowd as they dance and cheered over the speakers. Breaking his way through the front while the upbeat love song played he tried to signal to Tord, calling or to him.  He shoved and pushed his way through people who were quite upset,  though his only goal was to get to the man on stage.  Tord noticed the commotion while singing and smiled,  walking closer and holding his hand out to the crowd.  People tried to grab it but Tom beat them all, being pulled up onto the stage.  He figured if he couldn't make it big in a band,  why not have a boyfriend who did.  Because of that any many other reasons tom accepted tords confession,  the two sharing a sweet kiss on the stage while the crowd cheered, lost than the crowd though was edd and matt so were quite happy for the new couple.  Though that new couple jumped into the relationship quickly without thinking.  Naturally problems arise.  Tord is often busy with his work, leaving little time for Tom, along with having to constantly move around,  which is harder for Tom as he would rather feel grounded,  though the two still managed to make it work,  tord even allowing Tom to join him on stage for some performances so Tom could play.  Though things quickly start getting rough with tord losing sponsors and money due to his newfound relation ship with another man. Tords label tries to get him to end it with his lover to get the sponsers back, but tord insists they find another way.  With the new budget cuts band members slowly start leaving,  stressing Tord out quite a bit.  With the new weight on his shoulders the fragile relationship becomes harder and harder, especially with Tord having to avoid the paparazzi at every turn. Does the relationship even stand a chance of surviving? Especially when either Tom or Tord finds a new man in their life who seems to have a way of making the other calm leading to a potential new affair?

------- so the last part with one of them cheating with the new man,  we don't have to add that bit of you like it we can! If we keep it out could potentially lead to the charter getting caught by the paparazzi.  We would likely start this at Tords confusion if that is ok with you! Like I asked before can I please be Tom? If you have any questions or would like to alter this somehow for our rp let me know!  ^-^

Update: wow! I really didn't do myself any justice writing this.  I'm too lazy to fix all the spelling errors and make it sound better though- 

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