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Two weeks later

JJ walked into the B.A.U. Derek asked, "How is Princess doing at home?"

JJ laughed "She's bored out of her mind as I thought but Declan has been home since its summer which has helped her."

The next day there was a knock on the door. Declan ran up saying "I'll get it!"

Emily ran up behind him picking him up from under his arms she said "Whoa buddy! Let me get it."

Emily opened the door smiling saying "Reid!"

Reid smiled saying "JJ said you were a little bored so how do you care for a game of chess?"

Emily smiled saying "Come on in.

Emily went into the living room and squatted in front of the large shelves on the one wall opening the cabinets pulling out a beautiful vintage chess set. She walked over to where Reid was sitting and started setting up the board. Just as the two started Declan walked over peeking her head over the kitchen island asking "Mama?"

"Yes, baby?"

"What are you and Uncle Reid playing?"

Emily smiled pulling Declan into her lap "Here. Watch."

As they played Declan sat quietly in Emily's lap. Watching as they would play. Emily would whisper each move into Declan's ear before she would do it. It was Emily's turn and Declan leaned up whispering the winning move into Emily's ear. Emily fought hard to not show emotion but as soon as the final move was complete she jumped up spinning Declan around kissing him all over the face.

JJ walked into the house asking "What's going on here?"

Reid said, "Declan has picked up chess rather quickly and told Emily the move to beat me."

JJ said "What! That's amazing!"

Emily said, "You my boy are a genius."

Reid said "Actually a-"

Emily passed him a stern glare quickly shutting him up.

Emily put Declan down then leaned over kissing JJs forehead before frowning "Baby your foreheads warm. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, it's probably just a cold."

"Well you go rest and I'll be up in a few."

"No baby. You have fun. I will be just fine! Wheres my sweet girl?"

Emily spread her arms out "Uh right here!" Emily laughed

JJ rolled her eyes "Not you angel. My Gracie girl!"

"Ah yes. She is sleeping."

After an hour Emily walked upstairs to find her wife asleep in the glider in the nursery. Emily walked up squatting in front of JJ. She put her hand on JJs knee rubbing it with her thumb. "Baby wake up."

JJ slowly opened her eyes and groggily asked "Emily? What time it is?"

"It's six baby. Honey, are you okay?"

JJ leaned forward holding Emily's hand "Baby I need to tell you something..."

A/N: Cliffhanger! What do you think it is?"

But to love is to hurt. (Criminal Minds)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora