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"Dick... why?"

Dick couldn't speak. He opened his mouth but no sound came.

He bit his lip before yanking his wrist out of Wally's grasp and turning toward the door.

"I don't think so!"

Wally grabbed his shoulder and spun him around, switching their places.

Wally was now blocking the door.

"You're not leaving until we talk about this!"

Dick finally turned to face him, his voice and facial features, what could be seen, had turned dark.

"You really think you can keep me in here?"

Wally sighed and removed his hands from Dick's shoulders.

He put them up in a 'surrender' position before letting them fall lazily to his sides.

"No, of course not. Look, I'm sorry Dick. But, after last time* I just... was it the simulation? Or the nightmares again?"

'Nightmares are a bit of an understatement. Every time I closed my eyes I was in my own hell.'

"Kind of a mix of both..." he muttered.

Wally's dark gaze turned sad. Without another word he wrapped his arms around his friend.

Dick struggled for a moment, extremely uncomfortable in this entire situation, before relenting and slumping against him.

Neither boy spoke or moved for a moment, Dick was trying not to cry and Wally was trying not to crush the smaller boy.

Finally, Wally pulled away and spoke in a soft murmur.

"When did you cut?"

Dick hesitated for a moment.

"Um... last night. It-it was just a one time thing. I was making a sandwich and... well I didn't even realize what I was doing..."

Wally's eyes scanned his face before he reached up and removed his glasses.

Crystal blue eyes met emerald green.

"Do you still have that knife?"

Dick didn't avert his gaze. But he made no move to answer either.

Wally's hold on his shoulders tightened slightly.

"Dick? Do. You. Still. Have. That. Knife?"

He looked away again and gave a small nod.

"Where is it?"

Dick sighed and closed his eyes in resignation.

"At home, in my dresser."

Wally slightly flexed his knees.

"Which drawer?"

At this point, Dick had to resist the urge to roll his eyes.

"Second, and why does it even--"

Once again papers flew around the room and Dick was left alone.

He blinked twice, trying to get a grip on his thoughts and emotions.

He quickly contemplated escaping through the air vent, but that plan was swept away as soon as Wally returned.

This time, Dick nearly dodged to escape multiple papers from being blown in his face.

"Now it's not."

Dick looked up to face Wally yet again. At first Wally had a small smirk on his face, but once they locked eyes again, Wally's face turned serious.

"What... did you do with it Wally?"

"You know I'm not gonna tell you that."

Dick stared at him a moment longer before spinning on his heel and going to sit on the side of Wally's bed.

He sat down with a heavy sigh, his hands covering his face and his elbows resting on his knees.

"How did you even get in the Manor? Let alone my room."

Wally walked over and sat down beside his friend.

"Flash taught me how to run up small buildings, and your room is only on the second floor. Also, you left your window open."

Dick gave a weak chuckle and a shake of his head, but he did not show his face.

Wally laid a hand on his knee.

"Have you been taking your medicine?"

Dick's body became rigid.

"Yes." he ground out. He was tired of being asked that, and being reminded to take those stupid pills.

"You know we're gonna have to tell Bruce."

Dick's head jerked up and swiveled to the side to meet Wally's gaze.

"No, we don't! I told you already, it was just a one time thing."

Wally just scoffed, receiving a glare in return.

"Forgive me if I don't believe you."

His tone was more sarcastic than snarky.

"But that wasn't the case last time."

Dick's temper was starting to rise.

"Will you stop bringing that up?! Last time was different, Zucco got out, yeah. And I hit a low point, I get it!"

Dick's voice wavers before lowering in volume.

"This time is different. It's just... the simulation brought everything back to me from my past... and just threw it in my face. And last night, I had one of the worst nightmares I've had since Zucco broke out. What I did last night... it was just an accident. That's all."

Wally's eyes studied Dick's face before deciding on what to say.

"Well, Dick you're--"

"Recognized: Batman 02"

Dick's body seized up with tension, causing Wally to move his hand from his knee to his shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze.


"Team, report to the debriefing room immediately."

Wally let out a quick grumble of annoyance before getting up, dragging Dick up with him.

"Come on, we better get changed. We'll finish talking later."

Dick merely nodded and followed Wally out of the room, closing the door behind them.

"Whatever you say..."

*Last time, is referring to what caused Dick to resort to cutting in the first place.

Zucco escaped and they were actually unable to track them down for a while. This went on for a month or so.

This could technically be turned into a whole other story but I really don't want to.

It's fine enough as a backstory.

Anyway, the frustration, anger, and fear he felt of having Zucco escape justice once again, coupled with the fact that eventually he was unable to sleep,as nightmares plagued him.

Basically, just all around not so happy fun times.

This took place about a year before the Team formed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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