31. Coaxing an Admission

Start from the beginning


"Stephanie," he answered before getting out and slamming the door behind him.

It took us eating through half a ravioli and spaghetti for Tyler to get out of his little depression.

"We grew up together. Dylan, Lucas, Steph and me. I had always had a crush on Steph. She was the prettiest girl I'd ever seen, and her hair. I mistook it many times for gold. Every boy in my grade liked her. Everyone except for Dylan."

I looked at him, confused. If Dylan didn't like her then, then how did he come to date her?

Tyler looked at me, and nodded. "I know. Somehow over the years, he started to pay attention, I guess. We started to date right after sophomore year. I love her. She was there whenever I felt down or angry. She was the one thing that I truly had. After... After," he cleared his throat before continuing, "my parents' accident, she was the only one outside of my family that understood me. But Dylan had to go and steal her from me." Anger laced his tone.

I couldn't blame him. I was pretty pissed at Dylan to for doing this to his own cousin.

"Did he tell you?" I asked. "Why he took her?"

Tyler nodded, gritting his teeth hard enough to cut diamonds. "He said he thought she wasn't worth my time," he answered as he glared at his half eaten steak. "I guess he thought I wasn't good enough for her or something."

I placed my hand on his, running it in a comforting gesture. "He's wrong, Tyler. Dead wrong," I smiled hoping to calm him down. "You're one of the best guys I know. Trust me that's something right there. I tend to stay away from guys out of my family circle."

He gave me a half smile. "Because of him?"

I nodded, knowing he was talking about Flynn Mathers.

"If it helps, he's a complete A-Hole," Tyler said as he wrapped his fingers around my hand. "And he was the biggest idiot ever for letting you go."

I smiled a mega smile at his words. "Thanks, Ty."

"Oh and Alex?"


"I've been meaning to ask you since the car ride over. How did you even get the main role when you can't even tell a decent lie?" Then he chewed a piece of his steak.

I looked at him, confused. "What are you talking about?"

"You didn't fool me for a second when you said you didn't like Dylan."

"What? I don't... I don't like him!"

"There you go again,"

I looked him in the eye. "I don't, Tyler."

"Really?" He asked, skeptical.

"Really," I answered, trying to sound as honest as ever.

"Then," he leaned in, "you wouldn't mind it if I did this," he placed a kiss on my cheek.

"I don't," I said, even as I felt my face heat up.

"Really?" He arched a brow, "how about..." He placed his face directly in front of my, invading my personal space. His eyes were a stormy yet unique grey, almost silver. "This," he said, just as his eyes darted slowly towards to lips. I involuntarily bit it. "Tell me the truth Alex, or I'll go ahead with it."

"I d-don't," my voice shook slightly as I tried to lean back and away from him. His fingers tightened on my wrist and tugged me forward.

"I'll count to three, and if I don't hear the words, 'I Do' out of your lips, I'm kissing you." His eyes held no amusement or joking manner. He looked all too serious for my liking.

"1," his voice held no hint of cockiness or jokes.

Should I admit it? I hadn't even verbally admitted it to myself, so how can I admit it to him, Dylan's own cousin?

"2," his hot breath hit me, and I felt his body heat. "2.25. Alex, now or never."

I stared him straight in the eye. Obviously he wouldn't go through with it.

"2.5, 2.75." A look of worry flashed in his eyes before determination as he said, "3."

I waited for him to follow through but he didn't.

I arched a brow, before sighing in relief. He was just joking. He had to be.

"I warned you," Tyler said before pulling my face towards him and crushed his lips against mine.


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