XIV | Stay

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Stay (/stā/):
"to remain in the same place or state, in my case in your arms."


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I know I am not an easy person to love
But trust me when I say that life has taught me how to be a better lover
I promise I wont take you for granted
I will honour the opportunity of calling you my person
I will cherish you like a diamond of the first water
and I will wholeheartedly commit in being the guardian of your future

The feeling of being left behind
by someone who defines your world
I can't live through that again
So if you truly want to be with me
A stubborn over-thinker with anxiety filled up to the brim
That comes with a broken emotional baggage
If you're brave enough to pull me out of this hole of blue and grey
and if you're ready to reintroduce colours into my soul
Promise me you'll stay for the duration of my life
and I promise to love you for even more.

Angels & Sunflowers // poetryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt